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  1. #1
    edraven29 is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2001

    Thumbs up possible to build about 10 pounds of solide muscles with Win V and equipose

    got some win V and equipose is it possible to build 10 pounds of muscles with this stack.

    I know that its for cutting but the guy at the gym that sells AS is a fraude.

    I got my stuff elswhere directly where they sell horses from the vet.

    Thats all he has.

    Is it possible to keep some gains after a cycle like this too.


  2. #2
    The original jason Guest
    is this an old post?? if not i have answered one very similar to this not so long ago do a search


  3. #3
    pureanger is offline Senior Member
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    Back from Hell
    Its definatly possible to get 10 pounds of good muscle with winnie and eq and youll notice you wont be as bloated unlike when you take a test of somthing along that line of AS. You should be happy with the results because it will leave a more mature looking muscle not just bloat. Who really cares about size if your bloated and thats not what your looking for. Your not on a mass building cycle your trying to cut but there is no reason why you can gain along with cutting. Go for it
    by the way eq rules

  4. #4
    Baba is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2004
    If you can get some Tren in there too, it will make it even easier to gain a clean 10lb assuming diet is up to par.

  5. #5
    Anhydro78's Avatar
    Anhydro78 is offline Anabolic Member
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    This is intresting here at this site. People will ask and reply to questions pertaining to taking steroids without Testosterone and no one makes a big deal about it.

    You are making a mistake if you do not take testosterone in your cycle.

    Its not a cycle without testosterone.

    I would reply further but there are just to many posts like this here.

    Use Test prop with the Stanzolol and Equipoise . prop has less bloat. Take an anti-E Anti-aromatose or something to prevent estrogen.

  6. #6
    SportsMedVIP's Avatar
    SportsMedVIP is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anhydro78
    This is intresting here at this site. People will ask and reply to questions pertaining to taking steroids without Testosterone and no one makes a big deal about it.

    You are making a mistake if you do not take testosterone in your cycle.

    Its not a cycle without testosterone.
    You made a big mistake replying to a post from 2001!!

  7. #7
    cooper is offline New Member
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    Feb 2004
    You know what I find strange, is that there is a proposed cycle on the main page listing a EQ and Winny cycle (no test). Check out the "New" Steroid cycles and you will find it listed as Novice Cycle #1-5. Those cycles are pretty new. It seems like that is the only cycle of the entire bunch that does not list Test. Maybe it is a typo?

  8. #8
    Anhydro78's Avatar
    Anhydro78 is offline Anabolic Member
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    LoL I see that now. Thats too funny. If you notice im not the first one to bring the old thing up.

    Man I have seen many sites,books tell people to take a Deca only cycle or this winstrol and Equipoise cycle. Its stupid I dont know why they do that sh!t. People I know that has tried them including myself end up with a low energy level and minimal results.

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