Should I continue to run Adex .25mg and Tamox 10mg ED after my last shot leading into PCT? Or should I stop everything all together until I start my PCT? I'm guessing that I will continue the AI and SERM while the test is in my system to continue to regulate estrogen.... but the dosages don't make sense if the concentration of test is diminishing.

I'll be running cyp 500mg (250mg x2/wk) for 12 weeks, so I'll start PCT 18 days after last shot.

Before anyone gives me the 3rd degree about using the search function, I did. I have done quite a bit of research here, and none of the threads I have read were all too clear on this subject. I've waded through a billion useless threads from people who could have saved everyone a lot of time by reading the stickies first.

If this info exists here, I missed it....apologies in advance. Please help. Thanks.