After reading many articles both proving, and disproving, Anavar 's ability to reduce body fat, I'm officially confused. The majority of the articles, and studies, seem to point towards Anavar in fact being able to "burn" fat; this is the reason why I'm doing a Var-only cycle in the first place. I want to drop body fat, and possibly gain some strength, without bulking up too much; this way I can still make weight for boxing.

Granted, being on my 3rd day of a 9 week cycle, I'm probably not going to see any results at all; I still don't want to take any chances. I want to get as shredded as possible. My diet, cardio, and lifting is quite honestly in check; my body, however, is very stubborn. Therefore, I've decided to to add Clen for 6 weeks, starting on week 4 of this cycle. I will be doing Clen 1 week on, 1 week off, and following this dosing schedule:

Week 1 - 80 mcg ED
Week 3 - 100 mcg ED
Week 5 - 120 mcg ED

My question, is this going to be suffecient to achieve the goals I'm after? Am I risking any complications by adding the Clen?

I appreciate any input.