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  1. #1
    SIKK is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2009

    hmm help me out.

    So. I'm on Test C. i started dec 9. tomm is my 4th shot.. i been doing 500mg a week.. 10ml i have in hand. i have another bottle on the way next monday.. But i wanted to also get winstrol oil base, and follow this -Winstrol for about 2-1/2 months (10 weeks) at a dose of 100mgs Every 3.5 Days along with Test C at 125mgs every 3.5 days. good or bad? I'm not trying to be cock diesel huge. Just 175-185. stupid ripped and lean.

    My stats are now follow today. i started at 160-162.
    age.20/ 21[aug 4]
    height. 5'10
    Pct. i have a clomid connect. looking for nolva. i got 2weeks to have it in hand. shouldn't be a problem.

    what should i except?

  2. #2
    jbm's Avatar
    jbm is offline "3 stars and a sun"
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    Still young...

    Anyways if i were you i will not use winstrol just the test c...
    What's your pct look like?

    Gains will depend on diet...

  3. #3
    burman is offline Junior Member
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    try to have all your gear and pct meds on hand before you start a cycle bro it's sorta a rule of thumb.

  4. #4
    peachfuzz's Avatar
    peachfuzz is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by burman View Post
    try to have all your gear and pct meds on hand before you start a cycle bro it's sorta a rule of thumb.
    Quote Originally Posted by jbm View Post
    Still young...

    Anyways if i were you i will not use winstrol just the test c...
    What's your pct look like?

    Gains will depend on diet...

    Quote Originally Posted by SIKK View Post
    So. I'm on Test C. i started dec 9. tomm is my 4th shot.. i been doing 500mg a week.. 10ml i have in hand. i have another bottle on the way next monday.. But i wanted to also get winstrol oil base, and follow this -Winstrol for about 2-1/2 months (10 weeks) at a dose of 100mgs Every 3.5 Days along with Test C at 125mgs every 3.5 days. good or bad? I'm not trying to be cock diesel huge. Just 175-185. stupid ripped and lean.

    My stats are now follow today. i started at 160-162.
    age.20/ 21[aug 4]
    height. 5'10
    Pct. i have a clomid connect. looking for nolva. i got 2weeks to have it in hand. shouldn't be a problem.

    what should i except?
    for nolva try the banner at the top of the page. and you are way too young to be cycling. im gonna assume that this is your first cycle and if that is the case then stick with just the test.

  5. #5
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    I would expect that you'll lose all your gains, since you really have no history of working out, because you're only 20 years old and 5'10" @ 170lbs and you started at 160lbs. You don't need steroids , you need FOOD. Being that small and using steroids as a crutch is a mistake. I would also expect you to injure yourself in some way too, your strength is gonig to increase without the support of your immature tendons. I could go on and on...............But time will only tell.

    Quote Originally Posted by SIKK View Post
    So. I'm on Test C. i started dec 9. tomm is my 4th shot.. i been doing 500mg a week.. 10ml i have in hand. i have another bottle on the way next monday.. But i wanted to also get winstrol oil base, and follow this -Winstrol for about 2-1/2 months (10 weeks) at a dose of 100mgs Every 3.5 Days along with Test C at 125mgs every 3.5 days. good or bad? I'm not trying to be cock diesel huge. Just 175-185. stupid ripped and lean.

    My stats are now follow today. i started at 160-162.
    age.20/ 21[aug 4]
    height. 5'10
    Pct. i have a clomid connect. looking for nolva. i got 2weeks to have it in hand. shouldn't be a problem.

    what should i except?

  6. #6
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    250mgs(125mgs/3.5 days) of test a week is a very low dose so dont expect to gain much
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  7. #7
    SIKK is offline Junior Member
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    Hmm this my 3rd cycle. i was 220.lean with abs. not fat -.- i done deca /test c cycle 8weeks in the past. after i graduated from highschool. and few months later. Then got into the whole party scene in miami. lost like 30lbs. and really didn't care. i was cut. then i got into a atv accident and dropped to 145lbs. [6month recovery. no working out. my world fell apart. i didn't eat. turn to drugs..] 2nd degree dislocation of a/c joint . i trained with regular supplements from my local gym since i was able to go [4months ago] when i stated i started at 160. i stayed sober for past 6months and still going. so i had a whole 8month gap to decide. and i did. cause im on test c cycle only as we speak. i was going to run it for 12-14weeks. and PT i been doing 500mg. 1cc twice everyweek. mon/thurs. today was my 4th. shot 2nd week into it. 10 more to go.. i would jump on deca again. tho. i didn't like the big i got.. I'm into being in shape.. my goal is 190. define cut.. everyone says test is for bulking etc. but i will maintain my visible 6-8 ab pack

    i will post picture of my before and after. i already gained. 8+lbs
    Last edited by SIKK; 12-17-2009 at 08:30 AM.

  8. #8
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    u are 20yrs old and this is ur 3rd cycle.
    during that time u took a 6 month break due to injury (good to hear ur ok).

    u have been cycling way to long for someone ur age young bro. i know at ur age u feel there is no worry, but believe man, u are really risking a ton with what ur doing.
    im glad ur clean, south florida can be a bitch for drugs, but i think u should train natural for atleast another couple years, learn how to gain with a good diet rather then steroids .
    at ur age, there is no reason u cant hit ur goals natural with a good diet and great training routine...

  9. #9
    NixBoy1185 is offline New Member
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    Your too young you can make those gains naturally with intensive workouts and eating very lean I'm 24 and started young trust me long term damage will come if you continue with this. You have obviously been through alot but if you take the time and dedication and not rush into gains that will not last you will achieve what you want. Abs are not everything health is.

  10. #10
    SIKK is offline Junior Member
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    Sigh.. i did blood work and healthy like an elephant. when i got my injury i was laughing the whole way.. i scared myself. and my friends a 800 pound atv crushed me in there eyes. when i got to the hospital the doctors were like WTF you suppose to have broken ribs crack frame. and a snapped collar bone.. I was just smiling and repeating to each one that came in to see my crazy x-rays. "it happens i guess" i know I'm young. i kinda fell in the trap cause here in miami you got 16-18year old already on there 2nd cycle. now that is bad. also I was natural big. my 10th grade year i was 165 benching 225 twice. from strict training 1 on 1 with my father. he used to body build.. I know he never use AAS. He one of those big cubans that was just obsess with his body and worked out.. most he took was 1000mg of amino acid. also when he got out of prison for 8years. He got even bigger lol. anyways. he always told me don't think or no need. i never listen'd. now. my mother side her brother all roided and fed me all this bs bout wanna look like us or your dad. or be bad ass in your weight class in wrestling. [3rdplace states i placed] WITHOUT JUICING. and i have mma experience. I know how to diet. I was 165 dropped to 135lbs till my 11TH and senior year.. i was sick of it though. yea i was 4% body fat. stupid strong for my age and weight. sure i placed 3rd in states I'm sure i could of took 1st if i didn't break my nose after being head butt'd and still beat him. i lost cause when i wear the mask that restricted my vision. i didn't juice till after. i graduated. got to 160 natural. fell into my marine uncles from my mother side. bullshit. and in the end i regret it and i don't. i gain 30-45lbs with 2 cycles.. yea i stupid and young. but i didn't have a forum and really didn't care at the moment.. its funny. how im bigger not cause i just started juicing but even after my injury and crap i had a body. then people alot older then you when you go into public places. I was never lanky or nothing. I know how to train. and diet.. my problem was being lazy. now im strict.. well I'm not going to stop my plans. thanks for being concern bout my health. But I'm young but do go to my doctor and run blood work and health test. do physicals. and always come out with outstanding results. i'm just stubborn. with a a/c joint i didn't allow it to get into my head. i would still use everything i got to do dips or pushups. from 75-100 push'up straight due to the injury my world crash not being able to do 1.. i tried every day after 3weeks of my injury. i can do 100 str8. or 75 diamonds push ups. now.. i have dedication and my father told me to never let an injury or problem get into your way.. i love aas cause how you feel. well being. the cockyness. girls love it. and being able to train and do whatever the fuk you wanna do.. i'll doubt i'll stuff... but after this cycle I'm sure I give it a year gap..
    Last edited by SIKK; 12-17-2009 at 09:13 AM.

  11. #11
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SIKK View Post
    Sigh.. i did blood work and healthy like an elephant. when i got my injury i was laughing the whole way.. i scared myself. and my friends a 800 pound atv crushed me in there eyes. when i got to the hospital the doctors were like WTF you suppose to have broken ribs crack frame. and a snapped collar bone.. I was just smiling and repeating to each one that came in to see my crazy x-rays. "it happens i guess" i know I'm young. i kinda fell in the trap cause here in miami you got 16-18year old already on there 2nd cycle. now that is bad. also I was natural big. my 10th grade year i was 165 benching 225 twice. from strict training 1 on 1 with my father. he used to body build.. I know he never use AAS. He one of those big cubans that was just obsess with his body and worked out.. most he took was 1000mg of amino acid. also when he got out of prison for 8years. He got even bigger lol. anyways. he always told me don't think or no need. i never listen'd. now. my mother side her brother all roided and fed me all this bs bout wanna look like us or your dad. or be bad ass in your weight class in wrestling. [3rdplace states i placed] WITHOUT JUICING. and i have mma experience. I know how to diet. I was 165 dropped to 135lbs till my 11TH and senior year.. i was sick of it though. yea i was 4% body fat. stupid strong for my age and weight. sure i placed 3rd in states I'm sure i could of took 1st if i didn't break my nose after being head butt'd and still beat him. i lost cause when i wear the mask that restricted my vision. i didn't juice till after. i graduated. got to 160 natural. fell into my marine uncles from my mother side. bullshit. and in the end i regret it and i don't. i gain 30-45lbs with 2 cycles.. yea i stupid and young. but i didn't have a forum and really didn't care at the moment.. its funny. how im bigger not cause i just started juicing but even after my injury and crap i had a body. then people alot older then you when you go into public places. I was never lanky or nothing. I know how to train. and diet.. my problem was being lazy. now im strict.. well I'm not going to stop my plans. thanks for being concern bout my health. But I'm young but do go to my doctor and run blood work and health test. do physicals. and always come out with outstanding results. i'm just stubborn. with a a/c joint i didn't allow it to get into my head. i would still use everything i got to do dips or pushups. from 75-100 push'up straight due to the injury my world crash not being able to do 1.. i tried every day after 3weeks of my injury. i can do 100 str8. or 75 diamonds push ups.. i have dedication and my father told me to never let an injury or problem get into your way.. i love aas cause how you feel. well being. the cockyness. girls love it. and being able to train and do whatever the fuk you wanna do.. i'll doubt i'll stuff... but after this cycle I'm sure I give it a year gap..
    when i refer to diet im am talking about dieting to grow.
    diet does not always mean loose weight, ur diet is whatever u eat..

    seems like ur going to do things ur own way, i feel u will not listen to advice so i wish u the best..

  12. #12
    SIKK is offline Junior Member
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    This guy is my hero. He's young and STUBBORN as hell

  13. #13
    SIKK is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    when i refer to diet im am talking about dieting to grow.
    diet does not always mean loose weight, ur diet is whatever u eat..

    seems like ur going to do things ur own way, i feel u will not listen to advice so i wish u the best..
    I taken a few cycle diets on this forum and went out and bought what its state. 8-10 meals a day. right fat/carbs/protein.

    thanks btw.

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