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Thread: Drug Test????

  1. #1
    RUMBUDDYBOO is offline Junior Member
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    Drug Test????

    What can you take to clean your system before a drug test? " that is for anabolics"

  2. #2
    mmaximus25 is offline Senior Member
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    nothing really, Theres no wonder drug... It also depends on what androgen their looking for... When looking for AS in an individual they are very specific as to which hormones they are tring to trace in much time do you have???? What was the last androgen (AS) you took???

  3. #3
    RUMBUDDYBOO is offline Junior Member
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    right now I have time. Just thinking of another job and the drug test.last as was winny.Just wondering how long it last's in the body, like winny, d-bol, test, deca .

  4. #4
    mmaximus25 is offline Senior Member
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    You can look them up here in the drug profiles...
    But really they would need to specifically be looking for a specific metabolite. Each is slight in comparison yet still different in weight and structure...
    winny & d-bol are in and out of the body in literally hours... test depending on what ester your taking… your metabolism, along with your body fat percentile to lean protein mass… this will determine the true time limit... the averages are close enough but you can get more exact if you what... Ex. propionate has a lighter weight and is out of your body on average... in three days... enanthate will stay in your body the longest and cypionate in the middle.... deca also has a long ester, and will stay in your body on average 3-4 weeks from last injection but your main concern isn't that... the flag when testing for anabolic steroids is your testosterone levels , too high flag, too low flag, then a specific test will be done....
    I don’t think the drug testing for jobs are willing justify the added cost to test for hormonal metabolites.
    Unless you have been fingered out and accused of AS use I don’t think you have anything to worry about.

  5. #5
    RUMBUDDYBOO is offline Junior Member
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    Thank you very much for the info, the job won't be for a month or so. Thanks again.

  6. #6
    BIGB's Avatar
    BIGB is offline Associate Member
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    You can't take anything to get anabolics out of your system

  7. #7
    mmaximus25 is offline Senior Member
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    Your dealing with hormones now brother... Thats like asking a doctor to remove the testasterone from your blood stream... unless its a fast ester or 1 7-alpha alkylated your in it for the long haul... blood transfusion maybe but surely unethical...
    Your blood is the most effective way to see who and what your really made of brother... adios

  8. #8
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    How long does a test for AAS take to complete? Can it be finished overnight like a standard drug screening or does it take many days to have the specimen test positive for the metabolites? In other words, if your test is due back the next day - AAS metabolites are more than likely not part of it?

  9. #9
    mmaximus25 is offline Senior Member
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    yeah, the only way the tests would be ready would be if your the only one being tested... specificly you soley.... the test also must be specific to the hormone metabolite excreted with your urine.
    A blood test would most surely take longer than a day, but I would be wiery of a job that needs a blood test

  10. #10
    RUMBUDDYBOO is offline Junior Member
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    would any as be in your system more than 2 months??

  11. #11
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Originally posted by RUMBUDDYBOO
    would any as be in your system more than 2 months??
    Yes sir:

  12. #12
    RUMBUDDYBOO is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2001
    but you say the drug test are standard, and would have to do a seperate test for as, which most don't do????

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