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  1. #1
    RyanRoss's Avatar
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    Staying anti-catabolic WITHOUT gear?

    Hey guys,

    I'm sitting around a strong 205 right now at 5'8 but miss being peeled to the core. The last time I've been completely shredded was around 185 on a prop/tren /var cycle, but after the legal trouble I went through I wanna stay away from gear.

    My diets on key, clean as it can get. I'm wondering if anyone knows any secrets to staying anti-catabolic? I'm taking pretty much everything I possibly can to preserve muscle and increase free test.

    Storm Creatine by Universal (Shits amazing if you guys haven't tried it.)
    SuperPump 250 by Gaspari (NO2/pre workout)
    Novadex by Gaspari
    PlasmaJet by Gaspari (NO2 product)
    Amino Acids
    Flax seed oils

    If you guys haven't tried Storm by Universal give it a test run. I swear to God guys, I got pumps just as good on that as I did prop/tren/dbol . NO SHIT. It's amazing.

    Any input anyone else can give here?

  2. #2
    RyanRoss's Avatar
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    Bump it up. This would be beneficial to all. Steroid users and natural bodybuilders.

  3. #3
    dec11's Avatar
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    glutamine, hmb etc. i found gaspari size on a gr8 creatine

  4. #4
    420daytona's Avatar
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  5. #5
    RyanRoss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by declan11 View Post
    glutamine, hmb etc. i found gaspari size on a gr8 creatine
    I've got it now but that's one of their only products I'm really not satisfied with. Not noticed anything major. Give storm a try for sure. And what's HMB?

  6. #6
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyanRoss View Post
    I've got it now but that's one of their only products I'm really not satisfied with. Not noticed anything major. Give storm a try for sure. And what's HMB?
    its a metabolite from an amino acid, cant rem which of the top of my head. alot of companies were banned from producing it a few years back, to my knowledge maximuscle got around it, good stuff but only for a few years on and off, then it doesnt do much for some strange reason. yea, mite give tht creatine a blast, cheers

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Aswel as the above,
    Food will be help drasticly,
    Clen ,

  8. #8
    AlphaMaleDawg's Avatar
    AlphaMaleDawg is offline Senior Member
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    BCAAs are good for anti-catabolism

    I also really like USP Labs products. Look into Anabolic Pump, where you take 1 capsule 3 times a day before eating high carb meals. Also Jack3d is the best pre-workout supplement on the market by far

  9. #9
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    I enjoy jack3d as well.

  10. #10
    RyanRoss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    I enjoy jack3d as well.
    I have heard the stuff is amazing. I will have to give it a run. I enjoyed shock therapy by universal but my was TOO much.

    Thanks for the article too daytona, reading up on it now!!

    Edit: Looks like an excellent read for sure. I love sprints. I will definitely give that a try after my workout. I'm going to keep a log starting today. In six weeks I'll post up my results.
    Last edited by RyanRoss; 12-21-2009 at 04:27 PM.

  11. #11
    bigtim30 is offline New Member
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    Glutamine-Glutamine is considered a long-term commitment. One of the most plentiful amino acids in the body, glutamine assists in recovery by helping muscle cells take up glycogen after a workout, boosting muscle cells take up glycogen after a workout, boosting growth-hormone levels and maintaining immune function so you can stay healthy. It can also help delay fatigue during a workout so you can turn up the intensity for a longer peiod of time. The digestive system requires so much glutamine to function that it will take it frommuscle tissue so supplementing is a no-brainer.

    7-10 grams upon waking--This will be taken with your smallwhey shake mentioned above. Again, this will be absorbed quickly to help get your body out of a catabolic state it may have slipped into overnight.

    7-10 grams pre-workout-- This will help you workout longer and keep intensity up.

    7-10 grams post-workout-- Again, taking glutamine after a workout will help with glycogen uptake to quickly start the recovery process and get you in that anabolic state.

    7-10 grams before bed--This is another great opportunity to protect your hard-earned muscle right before you go to bed. This taken with casein will help fend off catabolism

    L-Arginine-Readily converted to Nitric Oxide in the body. It allows more blood flow to muscle by dilating vessels to allow more nutrients in, such as amino acids and glucose, as well as homones like growth hormone , testosterone and insulin -like growth factor-1. Also, having a greater water delivery into the muscle cells means an increase in protein synthesis, which, in turn, spells more muscle growth.

    2-3 grams upon waking in the morning- This time arginine will dilate blood vessels to shuttle in the nutrients of other supplements.

    2-3 grams pre-workout- This will enhance the natural increase of growth hormone before a workout.

    2-3 grams at bed-- Another opportunity to take advantage of the natural growth hormone.

    Tribulus- A proven hormone booster, Tribulus can increase testosterone from cholesterol in the testicles. It also has th ability to enhance the firing of nerves in muscle for increased strenght during workouts.

    500 mg pre-workout

    These are supplements that you did not have listed that I feel are crucial to long term success, especially, going the natural route. This is assuming you whey and caesin is also included.

  12. #12
    charlesriley's Avatar
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    hows the novedex xt for you??? any BW on that??

    vit c reduces cortisol and S4 (sarm) sarms are not illegal.

    s4 is less andro and more ana than test btw

  13. #13
    charlesriley's Avatar
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    this is actually a very good thread that is usefull for many people for different reasons, its fav'ed.

    any supps out there that anyone actually stand by?? and im not talkin protien im mean anything you get in the "hardcore" section or mens health section.

    i tried methyl test together with t-bomb and zma and it was okay, gained 4 lean pounds after staying the same for a few weeks, gained vascularity.

  14. #14
    charlesriley's Avatar
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    oh yeah and alot of milk,,ive read

  15. #15
    yowhatupU is offline Junior Member
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    Calories jk, I know you are aware of that.
    (and that wouldn't be best if you are trying to get shredded)

  16. #16
    charlesriley's Avatar
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    lets go peeps, what yall using?

  17. #17
    M302_Imola's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Aswel as the above,
    Food will be help drasticly,
    what dose of clen would you recommend for helping stay anti-catabolic without losing weight?

  18. #18
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    what dose of clen would you recommend for helping stay anti-catabolic without losing weight?
    last time i used it i just used two 20mcg tabs a day(purely to be anti catabolic) as i didnt want the shakes off it, some are sceptical as to whether or not it really is anti catabolic

  19. #19
    charlesriley's Avatar
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    what about a ai with dhea?

  20. #20
    charlesriley's Avatar
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    it is on the ncaa banned list

  21. #21
    graeme87 is offline Member
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    I'm not sure on the laws where yiu live but if possible try IGF or slin. Be careful with slin if you're dieting though, you must take the proper carbs with it. I like it for bulking but it will keep you anti-catabolic when dieting too.

  22. #22
    RyanRoss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by graeme87;4997***
    I'm not sure on the laws where yiu live but if possible try IGF or slin. Be careful with slin if you're dieting though, you must take the proper carbs with it. I like it for bulking but it will keep you anti-catabolic when dieting too.
    I'm in the USA but I've been arrested and convicted for possession, so I'd rather stay the natural route from here on out. I wish this never to happen to anyone, but trust me after the amount of stress you endure from it you don't even want to be around gear anymore. At least that's in my experience anyway.

    I will definitely give everything up above a try. I'm pumped to see what I can do on my body's natural test with OTC supps!

  23. #23
    tjsulli is offline New Member
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    try this company .found this company not long ago http://nutrabio.comvery happy i did

  24. #24
    Axxion81 is offline New Member
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    50 - 60 grams pure casein protein at bedtime

  25. #25
    laduem88's Avatar
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    if its the law your worried about just do PH's...there legal

  26. #26
    jasperhup is offline Junior Member
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    good thread.

    I got some NO2 and Size on, also ordered some Purple K (on a recommendation from a buddy). Anyone ever try the Purple K? It is super expensive, but I'm gonna run it with size on/No2 and some other creatine (to average the cost down, mix it up).

  27. #27
    charlesriley's Avatar
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    if you start a log on your otc supps and thier effect that would be awesome. i want to see what 6 oxo and novedex xt and t-bol etc.... do

    also you can take clenbuterol , insulin ,vit c 1000 mgs, power lifting regimen, sarms . aromasin

  28. #28
    charlesriley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by laduem88 View Post
    if its the law your worried about just do PH's...there legal
    not anymore as of jan 6

  29. #29
    MotoLifter's Avatar
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    cmon charles!!!! lets get that post count up!!!!

  30. #30
    louiscypher's Avatar
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    Man if you do all this stuff its gonna be EXPENSIVE!!!!

  31. #31
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MotoLifter View Post
    cmon charles!!!! lets get that post count up!!!!
    lol, too true

  32. #32
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigtim30 View Post
    Glutamine-Glutamine is considered a long-term commitment. One of the most plentiful amino acids in the body, glutamine assists in recovery by helping muscle cells take up glycogen after a workout, boosting muscle cells take up glycogen after a workout, boosting growth-hormone levels and maintaining immune function so you can stay healthy. It can also help delay fatigue during a workout so you can turn up the intensity for a longer peiod of time. The digestive system requires so much glutamine to function that it will take it frommuscle tissue so supplementing is a no-brainer.

    7-10 grams upon waking--This will be taken with your smallwhey shake mentioned above. Again, this will be absorbed quickly to help get your body out of a catabolic state it may have slipped into overnight.

    7-10 grams pre-workout-- This will help you workout longer and keep intensity up.

    7-10 grams post-workout-- Again, taking glutamine after a workout will help with glycogen uptake to quickly start the recovery process and get you in that anabolic state.

    7-10 grams before bed--This is another great opportunity to protect your hard-earned muscle right before you go to bed. This taken with casein will help fend off catabolism

    L-Arginine-Readily converted to Nitric Oxide in the body. It allows more blood flow to muscle by dilating vessels to allow more nutrients in, such as amino acids and glucose, as well as homones like growth hormone , testosterone and insulin -like growth factor-1. Also, having a greater water delivery into the muscle cells means an increase in protein synthesis, which, in turn, spells more muscle growth.

    2-3 grams upon waking in the morning- This time arginine will dilate blood vessels to shuttle in the nutrients of other supplements.

    2-3 grams pre-workout- This will enhance the natural increase of growth hormone before a workout.

    2-3 grams at bed-- Another opportunity to take advantage of the natural growth hormone.

    Tribulus- A proven hormone booster, Tribulus can increase testosterone from cholesterol in the testicles. It also has th ability to enhance the firing of nerves in muscle for increased strenght during workouts.

    500 mg pre-workout

    These are supplements that you did not have listed that I feel are crucial to long term success, especially, going the natural route. This is assuming you whey and caesin is also included.
    10grams per day supplimented, is plenty

  33. #33
    charlesriley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MotoLifter View Post
    cmon charles!!!! lets get that post count up!!!!
    ok sure

  34. #34
    charlesriley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by declan11 View Post
    lol, too true
    ok great

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