Hey guys,

I'm sitting around a strong 205 right now at 5'8 but miss being peeled to the core. The last time I've been completely shredded was around 185 on a prop/tren /var cycle, but after the legal trouble I went through I wanna stay away from gear.

My diets on key, clean as it can get. I'm wondering if anyone knows any secrets to staying anti-catabolic? I'm taking pretty much everything I possibly can to preserve muscle and increase free test.

Storm Creatine by Universal (Shits amazing if you guys haven't tried it.)
SuperPump 250 by Gaspari (NO2/pre workout)
Novadex by Gaspari
PlasmaJet by Gaspari (NO2 product)
Amino Acids
Flax seed oils

If you guys haven't tried Storm by Universal give it a test run. I swear to God guys, I got pumps just as good on that as I did prop/tren/dbol . NO SHIT. It's amazing.

Any input anyone else can give here?