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  1. #1
    acema is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2009

    Advice on up coming cycle.

    Firstly, would like to thank bros here for their help. did my previous 2 cycles well and learn alot from you guys. drop from a 18% bf to a lean 8-9% bf. and has also get my diet in check. i learn that most importantly is to research first b4 jumping into anitin.

    Would like to start my next cycle in few months time.(6 months after my pct)
    would need a little advice from u guys.

    Aiming to bulk now.

    Test E 450mg/week - 1-10week
    nadromix 300mg/week - 1-10week
    anadrol 50mg Ed - 1-3week

    PCT 4 weeks

    clomid 100mg ED / nolva 25mg ED week 1
    clomid 50mg ED / nolva 25mg ED week 2
    clomid 50mg ED / nolva 10mg ED week 3
    clomid 25mg ED / nolva 10mg ED week 4

    148 pounds
    bf 9%
    22 years old


    1. 8 egg white / oatmeal W honey / banana
    2. 1 can tuna / 2 slice whole meal bread or White breaD
    3. 100g-150g lean chicken/beef/salmon / boil veg / small cup of rice/noodle
    4. 2 scoops whey protein 50g (PWO)
    5. small cups of nuts / lean meat / 2-4 whole meal bread or small cup of rice
    6. 2 scoops of casein protein 60g (b4 slp)

    Haf another qns too.

    it been 4 month after my last PCT
    but acne still occurring on my face ( nvr had it previously even b4 i start to juice)
    what can i do to help it? use many acne facial wash n gel but no help seen.
    been recommended by a friend to use doxycylin.
    is it gd ?

    Thks in advance
    Last edited by acema; 01-03-2010 at 12:13 PM.

  2. #2
    sigman roid's Avatar
    sigman roid is offline Ar's cockney geezer Retired
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    What did you weigh before your last 2 cycles?

  3. #3
    acema is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2009
    1st cycle was shit. so its not really counted.
    i was ard 172pound

  4. #4
    acema is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2009
    2nd cycle was gd.

    test e 450mg weekly for 10 weeks
    winny 50 EOD 6-12
    ran clen with it.

    and ECA near ending of my PCT

  5. #5
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    22 years old on your third cycle? wow.

  6. #6
    acema is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

  7. #7
    acema is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

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