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  1. #1
    Shaaaaa is offline New Member
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    Jan 2003

    Question Does it matter where you inject a steroid?

    Is it true that if you inject in your arms that the results will tend to stay in the upper half of your body? At the same time, is it true that if you inject in your ass it will spread evenly over the entire body? This might sound stupid but its just some of the shit I heard. Thank You

  2. #2
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    There are studies that show absorption rates are higher in bigger muscle groups but I think it is very minimal at best.

  3. #3
    Thrower74's Avatar
    Thrower74 is offline Member
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    Site injections are a topic of debate. Some say they work great others don't think they make much difference. As long as you get the drug into the muscle it will go to the entire body.

  4. #4
    snakeman is offline New Member
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    site inj are a myth. if you hit the muscle, your good to go.

  5. #5
    djdjdjddjon's Avatar
    djdjdjddjon is offline Anabolic Member
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    depends on dose and what your shooting plus personal preference, and also like rickson already said better absorption through bigger muscles, its pretty easy the bigger the muscles more than likely the greater the blood flow, thus the better the absorption, but as far as shooting it lets say into your shoulders (upper body) and having it stay there, that doens't make too much sense, its not like your body has a preference of where blood flow goes, the blood is going to circulate 'throughout' your body, and whatever is absorbed (the steroid compound) is going to as well...

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