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  1. #1
    SAMS_DAD's Avatar
    SAMS_DAD is offline Junior Member
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    2nd cycle: test prop +??

    I'm going to be starting my 2nd cycle shortly (just completed my first cycle of test e only, 500mg per week split every 3.5 days, pct was nolva/clomid) and was wondering what can I stack my test prop with. I currently have deca on hand as well since my first time around i was going to do deca but after researching i figured to go w/the test e only being it was my 1st cycle. I heard great things about masteron but i'm not sure if my guy could get his hands on it. I currently have a 12 week supply of both deca and test prop, but was wondering what else I could stack the test prop with if i choose not to stack it w/deca. My cycle won't start for another 8 weeks so I have time to look over all options.
    Also, when I was on my test e stack, my faced swelled up and got fat, is there anyway around this? i was informed to drink more water, but if I did more cardio would that help out w/the swelling? Is test prop going to bring back all the acne test e provided too (it was bad, mostly on my shoulders, chest & back. At one point i couldn't wear t-shirts cause i had acne going down my bi-s & tri-s). All info is appreciated, thanks.

  2. #2
    glover's Avatar
    glover is offline Associate Member
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    The prop will not swell your face like the Test e did or it will be much less. I would recommend you get some npp to run with the prop it is the short ester equivalent to deca and will also help with water retention and goes to work quicker so it is a better match with the prop. Your acne may not be as bad on the prop, but that will depend on how your body reacts.

  3. #3
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    more than likely if you swell and get bad acne with test e youll prb have similar prbs with all test. Just get a AI

  4. #4
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    more than likely if you swell and get bad acne with test e youll prb have similar prbs with all test. Just get a AI
    thumbs up

  5. #5
    SAMS_DAD's Avatar
    SAMS_DAD is offline Junior Member
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    so I spoke w/my guy and he confirmed he does have masteron on hand, so I will be stacking it w/the test prop. My question is, whats the cycle lifeline for this stack (my test e cycle was 12 weeks)? Since i'll be doing EOD injections, is the dosage 100mg per supplement and can i mix the 2 to limit the shots?

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