Hi all, let me introduce myself first, when I was a little kid I got bullied alot and then I worked for years at a gym.

I then began to weightlift but only found pleasure working out in my leg region.

I got up to pressing 1000lbs to my legs which im very proud of. But then I fell victim to the masses and did weight loss drugs and got anorexic and bulemic.

Needless to say ive always struggled with my food, but recently I've done extremely well. I just got off the atkins diet and I lost 45 pounds but gained it all back with a light headed feeling but slowly im recovering.

With my head in the right place I bought a nice leather muay thai heavy bag , hung it outside and ive worked out twice on it and I love it and want to use that as my center of my workouts.

I played baseball for 5 years was a pitcher but lost interest. I did 12 months of pill form HGH on it and had noticable results.

I need to know the in's and out's of what id be getting into with certain things, Also i need to know if doing certain anabolics or even nonanabolics will in essence require me to do that regiment for the rest of my life.

I feel I need a boost im curious about testosterone cream even if its doctor described.

I dont really life weight lifting anymore but I don't mind curling if its necessary to burn some of the excess chemicals.

But mostly I need a kickboxing regiment , as for the "ON" and "Off" weeks, I need to know exactly what a 25 year projection would be like , basically im asking if i need to take milk thistle for the rest of my life?

As of now im on a 1000 calorie diet and very comfortable with it doing the heavybag workout once a day but im sore as hell and my knuckles are rashed.

Thanks to anyone who reads and helps me ahead of time.

Budget 0-10,000$ (Not an issue if theres real science to long term gains or short term gains that dont require substances to maintain my muscle gains from the chemicals)

Please, Fill me in.