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  1. #1
    Gunns420 is offline Associate Member
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    need advice on 2nd cycle

    So I am 28, 5'9 205 lbs 16% bf.

    My first cycle was 2 years+ ago, 500mg Test E for 12 weeks and 50mg Winny EOD in weeks 6-10. I ended up getting pretty impressive results.

    SO - I just grabbed some Enanbol 300, and started using Clen today. I had a few questions - Want to run 500mg a week again.

    1. Should I do 1 test injection a week or 2? - I did 2 the first time (1 every 3 & a half days of 250 mg) or would 1 shot a week @ 500mg do the same?

    2. Should I bother with the Winny? Friends recommended DECA or EQ but I'm a little leary - also the Winny is expensive, and the shit I got hurt.

    I want to stack but is it necessary? Any recommendations?

  2. #2
    joeb23's Avatar
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    I would inject twice a week to keep steady levels.
    I would skip the winny and go with EQ but thats just me

  3. #3
    Gunns420 is offline Associate Member
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    thats what I thought, but someone told me with the enth 1x a week would be fine.

    what would be a good dose of EQ / how often

  4. #4
    Gunns420 is offline Associate Member
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  5. #5
    adam15425 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunns420 View Post
    what would be a good dose of EQ / how often
    400mg/ week (200mgx2)

  6. #6
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunns420 View Post
    thats what I thought, but someone told me with the enth 1x a week would be fine.

    what would be a good dose of EQ / how often
    EQ is reportedly run in high doses, 600-800mg would be the norm, hit a quick search and you will find other members cycles and experiences

  7. #7
    amcon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joeb23 View Post
    I would inject twice a week to keep steady levels.
    I would skip the winny and go with EQ but thats just me
    ditto to the shots

    no way with the eq... unless you were given in for free.

    def go with the winny

  8. #8
    darkcrayz is offline Member
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    most dont like eq.

    since its been two years since your last cycle i would just run test e, 500mg/week since its been a few years, your muscles should have started to 'revirginize'. just my 02

  9. #9
    adam15425 is offline Associate Member
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    EQ is a love hate kinda thing. I myself love it. Ran 400mg this past cycle with Test E and loved it.

  10. #10
    dec11's Avatar
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    i had an urge to try eq but was informed by a trusted guy that primo is a better bet, similar slower quality gains as only some experience with eq

  11. #11
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    very true about eq... ha that rymed...

    any ways read up on the profile of the drug then compair it to others, and hit the search button and read up on it why ppl like it and why ppl dont.

    i have taken it at 500 mgs a week for 12 weeks with sust and never saw any change form the eq... if i traded that in for tren or winny or some anadrol i would have seen much more in gain i am sure of that.

  12. #12
    adam15425 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by declan11 View Post
    i had an urge to try eq but was informed by a trusted guy that primo is a better bet, similar slower quality gains as only some experience with eq
    I've heard the same of Primo. I'm gonna try some out sometime in the future

  13. #13
    Gunns420 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam15425 View Post
    I've heard the same of Primo. I'm gonna try some out sometime in the future
    around here its pretty hard to get real Primobolan - when u can they charge up the ass for it.

    I took the advice and read up on the EQ - and my source wants pretty much the same amount for the EQ as the Winny, Im pretty sure thats a ripoff?!?

    I would go with Tren but I already have sleep problems when I dont cycle, PLUS I'm on Clen now too. My buddy told me to stay away.

    Actually the lab I am using has a Sustanon /Anadrol blend. Anyone ever heard of something like that?

  14. #14
    E Police 183 is offline Associate Member
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    I'm a fan of EQ as it gives me slower steady gains that can be kept easier and when on a bulking cycle it helps me eat like an animal. However 400mgs isn't gonna do it. Personally i front load for 2 weeks at 1000mgs then bring it down to 700-800mgs per week.

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