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  1. #1
    pbastarb720 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    New to this need help

    hey everyone im brian, i have never used anabolics before or anything more than protein supplements for that matter. Alot of my friends and people i know have been taking pro hormones/anabolics for the past year or so, and so i keep getting so curious as to what they could do for me, since ive always been considered to be pretty pound for pound strong and ripped naturally, i just wonder how great of results id get when using something. the thing is, i dont know how to go about this, it all seems pretty complicated from what ive read. i used to think you just buy some pills and or an injectable and take it everyday and workout and alakazam with the right effort you put in to your diet and workout routine, you will get awesome results so much faster than a natural, but i now see its complicated and you need like multiple things and stuff to counteract stuff and stuff to take after like pcts and whatever. idk its just complicated and im not looking to become a bodybuilder, im an aspiring boxer. i workout for explosive strength/speed, and yes a little for looks but i always go for strength and speed as my priority, looks come with it. so is there anything i could take to help me get alot stronger and ripped that i could just go easy on, like take the minimum doses, and not take a million different products at once? me and my best friend were thinking if you guys could help us out we would just split a cycle, split the price and the pills. basically just to test it out, see how it helps. so any help is greatly appreciated. thank you. btw you can see me on my youtube channel its pbastarb720 just in case you need to kinda see what my body is like now. im 5'7 and 144 pounds 18 years old. thx again

  2. #2
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Anabolic means muscle building. Therefore.... protein, creatine, beta-alanine, BCAAs and vitamins are anabolics. Have at it.

    As for anabolic steroids ... you are too young to use them. At such a young age you put yourself at risk for permenant HPTA damage, as well as the other well-known side effects.

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