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Thread: Soreness

  1. #1
    wnt2grow's Avatar
    wnt2grow is offline New Member
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    Ok hopefully this will get off to a better start since I am starting my own thread (big) . I have posted my stats on another thread but here goes. 6', 239lbs approx 23% body fat just a guess. have done 1 short cycle (I know not the best) it was omna 250 2x a week for 5 weeks. That was last, late Jan/Feb to March 08. Now I am doing Test E 300 2x a week, at it for about 7 weeks. Along with that did win 50 ED x 6 weeks. My question is this, The omna hurt like a cramp unless I heated it up and the Test E doesn't hurt at all. I hear alot say that the injection site hurts, does this mean mine (Test E) might not be legit? Oh by the way my diet is pretty clean I eat alot of chicken breast plain, tuna, brown rice, veggies, cottage cheese,and have cut out bread, pasta etc.

  2. #2
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    You need to get your bodyfat down because you are putting extra strain on your heart with all of that weight gain.

    I am running a Test E cycle now. I am seven weeks in. I have only had one bad injection. I believe I hit a nerve. But the injections always go in smooth. It never hurts, but it might be slightly sore the next day. I only feel it when I think about it, and then try to feel it. My gear is not bunk.

    I do not believe that injection pain is a good way to guage wether or not your gear is bunk. Instead, you should just base it off of your gains in weight and strength. That will tell you if your gear is legit- provided that your diet and training are good

  3. #3
    wnt2grow's Avatar
    wnt2grow is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the reply, yes I agree on the bf% have been doing cardio 1 x a day thinking about upping that to twice. I have gotten stronger, went from 225 10x to 275 10x and that in my eyes is not to bad in 7 weeks. My body does seem to be getting slimmer, and btw what I meant by soreness was the day after feeling, I never have that with the Test E like I did with omna. Thanks again for the response.

  4. #4
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well, you added 50lbs to your bench. That is good bro

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    What gauge needle are you pinning with? The sore feeling the next day (in my experience) can come from how fast you inject the gear and also sometimes the %of alcohol can be a tad bit higher in some ugl's so it could be lower by a little than the omna or what you are used to

  6. #6
    wnt2grow's Avatar
    wnt2grow is offline New Member
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    I am using a 22 g needle 1 inch long in quad switching quads each time. Thinking about doing it in delts. Not flexible enough I think to get glute.

  7. #7
    wnt2grow's Avatar
    wnt2grow is offline New Member
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    Did chest tonight and just for kicks tried 300, put it up 5 times with not much problem. Not saying this is all do to Test E or Win, but I feel that its part of that, plus muscle memory. Not sure if I posted this before but I am 40 years young and have weight trained on and off since 19 when in the Navy.

  8. #8
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    Different gear, different labs will produce products that will vary in pain. Ive had test prop that was painless and test P I could not use. There are variables in the solvents used that produce pain as well. Best bet is human grade or make your own.

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