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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Never tried peptides. Nor researched 'em yet.
    Any info?

  2. #42
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by New2Anabolic View Post
    Never tried peptides. Nor researched 'em yet.
    Any info?
    Looks like you answered your own question. The main downside is that most peptides are expensive, must be pinned several times a day, and must be run for long periods of time to see results.

  3. #43
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    prob just going to try Test @ 250mg pw & Tbol

    unfortunate that I have to pin

  4. #44
    turborx7s's Avatar
    turborx7s is offline Junior Member
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    All I want to say is I enjoyed the posts fellas. You guys didn't get offended, tried to make your points, something was learned by more than one person. The beauty of the forum!

  5. #45
    elpropiotorvic's Avatar
    elpropiotorvic is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Looks like you answered your own question. The main downside is that most peptides are expensive, must be pinned several times a day, and must be run for long periods of time to see results.
    A lot of ppl (not myself included,cause I havnt tried them, ... ) would beg to differ

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by elpropiotorvic View Post
    A lot of ppl (not myself included,cause I havnt tried them, ... ) would beg to differ

    What do you mean exactly?

  7. #47
    irongamer is offline New Member
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    t-boney...I hate calling people out and I never post here....BUT WHEN U R BLOWING A GASKET AT A GUY AND CALLING HIM AN IDIOT AND SAYING HE'S NOT WORTH UR TIME ARGUING WITH.....DO YOUR DAMN HOMEWORK SON!!! PRIMO IS A DH DERIVATIVE but it is only related to DHT in the same way as test is related to boldenone !!! It is chemically identicle to.....DHB (dihydroboldenone)!!! So you did a great job of telling the OP that he's an idiot for saying something right. Test interacts with the 5 alpha reductase you get DHT...Boldenone interacts with the 5 alpha reductase enzyme you get DHB. Now add a 1-methylation to DHB and you get PRIMO!!! Primo and DHT are at best like distant cousins, while Primo and DHB are like fraternal twins. Same exact genetics but 2 distinct persons. It is Dihydroboldenone with a methylation at the first position. I CAN'T STAND PEOPLE THAT TREAT PEOPLE LIKE SHIT AND WILL CONTINUE IT ON AND ON AND ON AND ON WHEN THEY R WRONG...SO GO DO SOME HOMEWORK AND FIND OUT WHAT PRIMO REALLY IS AND COME BACK WHEN SCHOOL GETS OUT. Or...someone like me who knows A LOT MORE than someone like you can spend my days trying to make you feel stupid in front of a board when you in fact have done your homework. Maybe it's the low carbs and tren that's annoying me or you being a dick to someone who is obviously trying to ask good questions while you wait to pounce on a newb for saying something you percieved as being incorrect. Here's a quote of the day from someone reeeeeeaaallly smart that has writings that have impacted generations of mankind (who you obviously wouldn't know about cuz he only writes REAL BOOKS...he doesn't lay in waiting to tear down OP's on internet boards...)

    "See someone for what they could be and they will become what they should be, See them for what they are and they will only become worse" Well I'm seeing you as a dick or a guy having a really bad day...I see the newb as someone who is doing the best he can to learn. Now knowing these words of wisdom MY QUESTION FOR YOU IS "Which side of the fence would you want to be on??!!!!! BONAPARTE HE WAS BEING AN ASS. GOOD LUCK to you brotha.


    Dihydroboldenone, most commonly known as 1-testosterone , is a 5alpha reduced form of the steroid boldenone. This lack of 5alpha reduction with the compound allows users to administer it without suffering the negative side effects associated with this chemical reaction but also eliminates the benefits as well. Boldenone is not the only steroid that shares similarities with dihydroboldenone. In fact dihydroboldenone is chemically identical to the drug methenolone except for the 1-methylation that is apart of methenolone (1). 1-methylation was of course added to methenolone to make it more available when taken orally and thus dihydroboldenone is not efficiently utilized when administered orally, although it was once sold over the counter in tablet and pill form. Some of these over the counter preparations of the drug were done utilizing a delivery system similar to Andriol , i.e. producing an oil-solubilized product with dihydroboldenone. This would still not be a relatively worthwhile system of delivery to use however if one wanted to maximize the potential of the compound. Intramuscular injection is by far the most efficient method of administration to use as with most anabolic steroids . As mentioned above, dihydroboldenone is structurally similar to methenolone and boldenone and less so to testosterone despite the commonly used name for it, 1-testosterone.
    Last edited by irongamer; 03-05-2010 at 04:03 AM.

  8. #48
    irongamer is offline New Member
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    Just in case you think I typed up that last paragraph on my own...i got some Patrick Arnold and Big Cat for ya....Old P enough to create the clear and fuel olympic and home run records without so much as positive drug test...probably smarter than both of us combined...

    Speaking of 1AD. It was a novel prohormone, the first marketed since the classic testosterone and nandrolone precursors, invented by the chemist Patrick Arnold. Among those in the supplement industry, it's now a household name. For those of you not so familiar, he is also the owner of LPJ research and Ergopharm, a leading company in the prohormone industry. It converted to something Patrick had dubbed 1-testosterone. A more befitting name would have been dihydro-boldenone . Structurally it's very much like boldenone (equipoise ) with that difference that its 4,5-double bond has been broken and two hydrogen atoms attached at those locations. This is the same thing that occurs when testosterone is altered by the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme to form Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). 5-alpha-reduced forms of hormones have two distinct qualities. They are not capable of interacting with the enzyme aromatase, a structure that is responsible for the majority of estrogen in the male body. Even though most of them bind to the enzyme with great affinity, it cannot be structurally altered to form estrogen. In a way this lends them certain anti-estrogenic properties as whatever aromatase enzymes they do take up, cannot be used by testosterone or another aromatizing steroid to form estrogen either, lessening the risk of potential estrogen formation. But most importantly, a lack of estrogenic action makes for smaller, but much leaner results since estrogen is a major culprit in the accumulation of water and body-fat. Another major plus that a 5-alpha-reduced hormone has is that it has higher androgen binding, meaning its more potent in regards to strength and androgenic properties than the base hormone.

    So why am I telling you all this? Well shortly after the appearance of 1AD, suddenly some people realized that its conversion product 1-testosterone (or dihydroboldenone) has in fact never been used pharmaceutically and is not a classified Schedule III drug, and with that... completely legal. This meant the answer to the prayers of everyone in this industry as we now possessed a legal steroid to help us bridge the gap between illicit drugs and legal supplementation. To determine what sort of drug we are dealing with here, we look at its closed compound in relation, namely methenolone (as in Primobolan ). This is basically the same drug but with a single alteration. It has a 1-methyl group attached to increase its oral bio-availability. The 1-methyl structure does very little otherwise, apart from possibly increase its affinity for serum-binding proteins. One can therefore liken the effects of 1-testosterone to those of Primobolan. In fact they should be almost identical.

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