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  1. #1
    evil30 is offline Junior Member
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    New Cycle Question

    I am a former college athlete and have gotten back into pretty good shape over past 6 months with a clean diet, cardio, and weight traning. I am still fighting to lose that last 10-15 lbs of mostly belly fat and want to really tone up. I am thinking of doing a tren /clen cycle(the tren is oral at 25mg). Take a look at this cycle and give me your input. Appreciate in advance guys!

    Days 1-4 Tren 25 mg
    Days 5-14 Tren 50 mg
    Days 15-18 Tren 25 mg

    Days 18-31 Clen 40 mg - 120 mg(taper up and down)

    Days 19-25 Clomid 100 mg
    Days 26-40 Clomid 50 mg

    Days 46-60 Clen 40 mg - 120 mg(taoer up and down)

    Clean diet, hard lifting and I am doing cardio 30 min x 2 daily....
    Last edited by evil30; 01-20-2010 at 08:32 AM.

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
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    body fat?
    years training?

    I'm pretty sure you don't have real oral tren (methyltrienolone ). And if you do, you dont' want to be taking it for 2months at 25MG/day.

  3. #3
    evil30 is offline Junior Member
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    D, it is GP oral tren (methyltrienbolone). I only want to do an 18 day cycle of it because of sides and harshness to liver. The compelete cycle with the clen would run 60 days but only 18 days at beginning with the tren.

    I am 34, 6' 00", 202, and I am guessing somewhere between 15%-20%. I have trained off and on for past 2 years but really hard back at it for past 6 months.

  4. #4
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    Ah, ok.

    What's your cycle experience?

    Well, you do know that MT is usually dosed in mcg, not mg. So a good starting dose would be 250-500mcg/ed.

    Also, it's not really something you want to be running without test.

    Honestly, bro, I don't see the need for something so powerful just to drop 15lbs of fat. I mean, that's like hanging a picture tack with a sledge hammer.

  5. #5
    evil30 is offline Junior Member
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    I love the analogy D! I mispoke, it is in mcg and it comes in 250 mcg capsules. I was planning on running 250 ED and taper up to 500 ED. This would be my 2nd cycle. I ran a laurabolin cycle back in college 12 years ago.

    I have read mixed reviews regarding running with or without the test. What would be biggest downside to running without test for 18 days?

    Thanks for the input bro!

  6. #6
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Loss of sex drive would be one major one, also what dare you planing for pct?

  7. #7
    evil30 is offline Junior Member
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    I am going to run Clomid at 100mcg for 7 days then 14 more days at 50 mcg. Should I add anything else to my PCT? I was thinking of running some light test during cycle but didn't know if I really needed to since it is short(18 days). I have heard guys run with and without.

  8. #8
    redz's Avatar
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    The clomid will be in mg not mcg. I dont have much experience with short cycles especially 18 day ones so I`m not sure what to say about that.

  9. #9
    Loaded61's Avatar
    Loaded61 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by evil30 View Post
    I am going to run Clomid at 100mcg for 7 days then 14 more days at 50 mcg. Should I add anything else to my PCT? I was thinking of running some light test during cycle but didn't know if I really needed to since it is short(18 days). I have heard guys run with and without.
    have nolva on hand

  10. #10
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    Quote Originally Posted by evil30 View Post
    I am going to run Clomid at 100mcg for 7 days then 14 more days at 50 mcg. Should I add anything else to my PCT? I was thinking of running some light test during cycle but didn't know if I really needed to since it is short(18 days). I have heard guys run with and without.
    Not to be a stickler, but you'll want to dose your clomid in mg, not mcg.
    Anyway, I would add nolva into your pct as well.

    Sure people run it without test, people all over the world do a lot of stupid things.

    I stick stick by my previous post: don't rely on drugs to cut. Get your diet/cardio schedule squared away first. And especially don't rely on one of the most powerful drugs out there to cut some fat.

  11. #11
    evil30 is offline Junior Member
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    So run the Nova and the Clomid PCT? How much and how long for each? I am probably going to add some test with it like some have said. With that, how much test should I run alongside the Tren ?

    As far as the cardio and diet, I have been doing 30 min twice a day 6 days a week and my diet has been tight but seem to be hitting that wall.

    Thanks guys.

  12. #12
    D7M's Avatar
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    You're hitting a wall after only 6 months of being back in the gym?

    Stop looking for the easy way out, you're just getting back into it, man.

  13. #13
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    best post in here..

    this guy doesnt need chems, he needs to up his cardio to 45 min, or maybe a little more.

    loose the weight first, then hit ur cycle and u will be so much happier....

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