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  1. #1
    sfour_tay is offline Member
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    how to keep blood pressure and pulse down when on prop???

    my biggest side from my last prop/mast/npp cycle was high blood pressure and my resting pulse went up.

    im planning on running the same cycle again since i have alot left over and it was an awesome cycle.

    i will be pinning ed this time and only run for 8 weeks as supposed to last cycle i pined eod and ran for 12 weeks.

    i will be using hawthron berry and garlic and a baby asprin ever morning.

    anything els you guys can recommend????

    do you think switching to the ed pinning will help ??

  2. #2
    dece870717's Avatar
    dece870717 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sfour_tay View Post
    my biggest side from my last prop/mast/npp cycle was high blood pressure and my resting pulse went up.

    im planning on running the same cycle again since i have alot left over and it was an awesome cycle.

    i will be pinning ed this time and only run for 8 weeks as supposed to last cycle i pined eod and ran for 12 weeks.

    i will be using hawthron berry and garlic and a baby asprin ever morning.

    anything els you guys can recommend????

    do you think switching to the ed pinning will help ??
    Dude that's just how it is, you just deal with it. On test and tren my BP was 160/100 and resting pulse 110-120bpm! These are the sides of anabolics! Sure you can maybe lessen them a little bit but you can't really do anything to have everything to normal during cycle. The pros usually take bp meds but they need to because they are using very large amounts of AAS almost non stop.

  3. #3
    buffgator's Avatar
    buffgator is offline king of mass
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    what was your blood pressure and pulse from last time?

  4. #4
    sfour_tay is offline Member
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    im more worried about my pulse. it was around 100bpm resting.

    i know they are side effects but so is gyno but we take armidex for that and nolva. not so crazy to think there could be something to help out with this side..... thanks

  5. #5
    MuscleScience's Avatar
    MuscleScience is offline ~AR-Elite-Hall of Famer~
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    You need to up the cardio, your resting heart rate should be in the 70bpm range.
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  6. #6
    jaydream's Avatar
    jaydream is offline Junior Member
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    Smile Hawthorn Berry

    Hawthorn Berry good choice
    Last edited by jaydream; 01-24-2010 at 05:45 PM.

  7. #7
    abuleh's Avatar
    abuleh is offline Junior Member
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    agree hawethorn berry is good in lowering bp. It takes a couple of days to kick in (in fact can increase bp during the first days) and I recommend pre-loading for 2 wks at 2-3g.
    You can also add sellery seed which helped my alot with bp + kicks in much faster......

    Good luck with your cycle.....


  8. #8
    romo6 is offline Senior Member
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    Check out hypavera.

  9. #9
    *Thiago*'s Avatar
    *Thiago* is offline Junior Member
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    I have heard that Graprefruit Juice is also good at lowering blood pressure

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