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  1. #1
    TrynaImprove is offline Junior Member
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    Hey everyone first off, greeat site with intelligent and kind people. Way to go! keep up the good work! im posting on here just trying to learn about roids and gear or whatever you wanna call it. Im an athlete playing 3 college sports in a D2 school (starting in august-just got the scholarship from playing in community college). I live in the tri state metro area and up here a lot of people are juicing. I cant believe the gains some people made with such little work. I work ten times harder than them and longer and more but they have all the results and gains. Our diets are similar too. I have been getting back into game shape since being hurt, coming from therapy, my stats are 5'11 225lbs 22%BF. Age 20. I have seen people shoot up with roids, hgh, igf, etc. I want to know if I should start to pump up my chances of not breaking down during the harsh seasons. I play baseball, football, and soccer. I want to be able to play all of these sports at the already high competitive level that I do now without hurting myself or being too tired. I have a back injury from doing too many activities and sleeping on a "rock" during my freshman year of college. During my freshman year of college (2007-2008), I was given weight gainers by my football coaches which made me and others on the team bloat up. I was a fit 190lbs wirth 15-18%BF but after the gainers, i went up to 270! I got no idea what it was but I was FAT! i went up 3 sizes in pants went from a L/xl shirt to a XXL (that just fit). Needless to say, my coaches were fired and I was given a nutritonist/dietician until i lost a significant amount of weight as ordered by the judge. I am now down to 225 and run and feel great but i wanna be how i was before the weight gainers and even better!

    I know this is a long, insane post, but please help me. Im trying to find out what to do. Im doing cardio daily along with heat therapy(saunas, hot tubs, pads) and i do sports still and some weight lifting (im not insured yet due to injury so i can only sneak in so much). please tell me what to use if i should at all and when and how much?! i was thinking test e to start. i wanna get big and fit like we all do, but i want to be healthy always. once again thanks for reading and please help me. have a good day.

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    Honestly, I don't think you need steroids at all at this need a good diet.

    If you're playing all those sports, you should be able to drop fat pretty easily.

    What's your daily diet like, in detail?

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