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  1. #1
    manz_512 is offline Junior Member
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    QUES about DECA ( Nandrolone Decoanate)

    Hello Fellow iron Brothers,

    Been reading up a lot and found negative remarks about Deca so i assume that its not a popular gear. I've plan to do my 2nd cycle which of consist of Deca. I had Dianabol Test C n Winny for my 1st cycle. I don't like it. Winny felt pain in joints Dbol make face balloon. Ok back to my story...

    Why? cause i did some reading on it that it (deca) may helps to recover old injuries and strengths gains. I do hold a lower back injury( pain on/off).

    I've been lifting for 3 years but i would say i'm no expert in "juicing" so i find that i'm beginning to feel so tired and could'n t last 60 mins lifting. I up my Carbo intake but still felt that i had lose the kind of energy (fire) on my first 2 years lifting. I do have pre workout meal b4 lift. OATS !

    I do wish that i could run on deca for this next cycle. My goal is to cut up and gain lean mass and strength and experimenting this drug to counter the injury as (what they said). Any guys would want to advise whats the best component to stack it with deca. I have SusTanon 250 in mind for stacking. my favourite: Clen for cutting up

    All the while, been doing my study about deca and its signifance. This juice is famous among footballers/ Atletics for strength and speed.

    SO QUESTion is? WHAT Does Deca actually promotes? what is the beauty in it?? since its not quite popular among the users and many negative feedback in this forum bout Deca..

    Height:180cm (6Ft1)
    Weight: 95kg (210Pounds)
    Bodyfat: 15-18% (not sure)

    Mon:Shoulders, Legs ( juice shots)
    Tues: rest
    Thurs: Back, Biceps. Abs
    Fri: ( Cardio) Big walk
    Sat: Chest, Triceps ( juice shots)
    Sun: Jog 45 min cardio Abs

    Diet: All my mornings starts with Oats n Honey, Chicken Breast , Fish and veg, (I know how to diet. BB style!! ) Been dieting (on/off seasons)

    My so call pre plan cycle

    Mixed of Nandrolone mixes (deca) 600mg/week (10 weeks)
    Test prop Or sustan 250

    Clomid for PCT.

    Please be gentle Buddies. and give me some advise, i do really want deca badly if not for my injury ( on/off).

    Last edited by manz_512; 01-30-2010 at 09:08 AM.

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    I wasn't clear from your post, is this your first cycle?

  3. #3
    manz_512 is offline Junior Member
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    2nd. I don't count my first cycle because i stop halfway because don't like the joint pains cause by winny and that was like a year ago..

  4. #4
    manz_512 is offline Junior Member
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    ok i'm quite disappointed on the response here. i really need feddbacks.

    thank u guys

  5. #5
    D7M's Avatar
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    I don't know if you'll see any healing effect from deca , but it may help some with joint pain.

    I would also suggest cutting some body fat before you cycle. If you didn't like the bloat you got previously, having a lower body fat will help significantly with keeping bloat down.

    You could run the cycle like this:
    1-14 test (sust) 500mg/wk
    1-12 deca 600mg/wk

    EDIT: Run the test two weeks past the deca, to make sure the long estered deca has cleared your system before beginning pct.

    What do you have lined up for pct? Be more specific than just "clomid".

    Finally, I'm not thrilled about your training split. Legs are a huge muscle group, and I would give them their own day. Here's a suggestion:

    Mon: chest/bis
    Tues: off
    Wed: Back
    Thurs: Off
    Fri: Shoulders/tris
    Sat: legs
    Last edited by D7M; 01-30-2010 at 07:18 PM. Reason: typo.

  6. #6
    c-Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    EDIT: Run the deca two weeks past the test, to make sure the long estered deca has cleared your system before beginning pct.
    you mean run the test 2 weeks past the deca ......

  7. #7
    manz_512 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks D7m, really appreciate. This on/off injury sucks big time! i have rest for 3 months No gym and it suck!! now on 3rd week back in training.. tho i can't lift heavy as i used to. No deadlifts for now!

  8. #8
    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    you mean run the test 2 weeks past the deca......
    Damn it! that's what I went back and edited.

    I'm burned out from legs today. I'm signing off, lol.

  9. #9
    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by manz_512 View Post
    Thanks D7m, really appreciate. This on/off injury sucks big time! i have rest for 3 months No gym and it suck!! now on 3rd week back in training.. tho i can't lift heavy as i used to. No deadlifts for now!
    I'd caution you, though, if you're just getting back into the gym from a break after a surgery to hold off on the cycle for a while until you get back some of your natural strength again.

    Jumping right on a cycle after a break could very easily lead to injury, and then you'll just be out of lifting for a while again...

  10. #10
    c-Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    Damn it! that's what I went back and edited.

    I'm burned out from legs today. I'm signing off, lol.
    Vet... PSHH i got yer back bro... Dont you worry

  11. #11
    manz_512 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    I'd caution you, though, if you're just getting back into the gym from a break after a surgery to hold off on the cycle for a while until you get back some of your natural strength again.

    Jumping right on a cycle after a break could very easily lead to injury, and then you'll just be out of lifting for a while again...
    Nay, no surgery involved yet. just rest no gym. i guess all dat extra bodyfat came from that rest period. I do have a friend who is a football freak who runs on deca (Andromix mixes) only. His knees felt brand new after 10 weeks cycle, and negative feedbacks on sex drive.. just my 2 cents. dats y i need to ask the experts here.


  12. #12
    manz_512 is offline Junior Member
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    Ok Deca seems tempting.. dunno y but my heart says to go with it. I will be stacking it with Test. Ok now here's another question. Just in case if my dick is not working along the run. What the fcuk should i do?? i Have tune my mindset no sex, for the sake of wanting to look Husky Musky and get rid of this injury(on/off)!!!!

    Its like attempting "KAMIKAZE"

    I have clomid only in hand. any suggestion..

  13. #13
    D7M's Avatar
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    If you're running test along side your deca you shouldn't have to worry about sexual side effects.

    But, it's a good idea to have some caber to run throughout your cycle to control prolactin, if that becomes an issue for you.

    I'd add another SERM to your pct, but that's just me:

    clomid 100/50/50/50
    nolva 40/20/20/20

  14. #14
    Nooomoto's Avatar
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    Deca won't heal anything, it will just help you deal with the pain associated with joint problems.

  15. #15
    manz_512 is offline Junior Member
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    H guys..

    As mention already did my first shot of andromix( mixes of Nandrolone Decoanate, NPP, Nandrolone undercoanate) of 1 ml 300mg 3 dayz ago. To my suprised my dick can't stop erecting.. I felt like a sex beast already. I was quite shocked to this reaction because of all the "deca dick" talk thing. Since my first shot, every morning waking up, Mojo feeling shoot up. Felt good in the libido Department. Did had sex, jerk off few times and felt good wanting more.

    Ok now i'm not being bold, But i do have questions? Is this normal for any guy who's juicing.

    2nd question: Will the sex drive starts to deplete in weeks to come? Is it for sure?

    The only negative thing is i can't sleep soundly as i used to. I felt i'm in insomniac mode right now. Tell me guys is this normal? what can i do to get my precious sleep back.

    On my previous cycle which consist of D-bol and winny.. D-bol made me felt lethargic all day even @ work or working out in the gym. and winny felt pain on my joints. But on this juice right now i can just have 3hrs of sleep and work full 12 hrs.. Holy COW!! No Bullshit.But i still need that solid 8-10 hrs sleep tho...

    I told the guys in my gym, some guys whos on Sustan 250, felt same experience..

    But on the hand i will not rule out the sides. Will keep on monitoring. I strongly believe i should handle this with care.

    Iron Brothers.. What is ur profession?

    AU AU AU AU!!!!!

  16. #16
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    sust and dbol cleared up a really bad tendon pain in both elbows for me, hadnt done biceps in 3moths and boom 2wks into cycle and it disappeared, now off cycle 7wks and it still hasnt come back, whether it was coincidence or not, i dont know, but very strange tht it stopped so suddenly

  17. #17
    alpenguy is offline Junior Member
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    My cycles have always contained deca , and I have inj deca all by itself. I started with deca about ten years ago on the advise from my trainer and, under a doctors supervision, pinned deca into torn tendons in my forearms with miraculous results. However, I just took a deca crash (nor 19 - postponed pct) and the results were staggering. A shut down hpta is the LAST thing you want. Deca is awesome, but do the pct that these guys have listed, or you will really understand what deca dick is.

  18. #18
    gymnerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alpenguy View Post
    My cycles have always contained deca, and I have inj deca all by itself. I started with deca about ten years ago on the advise from my trainer and, under a doctors supervision, pinned deca into torn tendons in my forearms with miraculous results. However, I just took a deca crash (nor 19 - postponed pct) and the results were staggering. A shut down hpta is the LAST thing you want. Deca is awesome, but do the pct that these guys have listed, or you will really understand what deca dick is.

    Yeah man hcg while on and strong PCT if you want to run the harsh compunds dont mess around.

  19. #19
    manz_512 is offline Junior Member
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    Correct me if i'm wrong

    Ok Guys, i will be nearing to 2 weeks running on andromix 300(nandrolone mixes) @ 300mg 2times/week for 10 weeks. So i'm assuming that it is time stack up sust 250 @ 250mg/week for 12 weeks on this coming 2nd week. So far training improve, not drastic but improve with minimal joint pains, strength improving.

    It seems that i developed a red swollen like lump on my glutes after the shots which does not go away for 10days. Is this normal. No itchiness whatsoever. I just applied menthol antiseptic cream but doesn't seem to go away. I emphasize on hygiene every shot like using new pins and antiseptic tissues. Advise me on lump free after shots.

    I know its still a long way to go.

    Last edited by manz_512; 02-06-2010 at 12:02 PM.

  20. #20
    manz_512 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by manz_512 View Post
    Ok Guys, i will be nearing to 2 weeks running on andromix 300(nandrolone mixes) @ 300mg 2times/week for 10 weeks. So i'm assuming that it is time stack up sust 250 @ 250mg/week for 12 weeks on this coming 2nd week. So far training improve, not drastic but improve with minimal joint pains, strength improving.

    It seems that i developed a red swollen like lump on my glutes after the shots which does not go away for 10days. Is this normal. No itchiness whatsoever. I just applied menthol antiseptic cream but doesn't seem to go away. I emphasize on hygiene every shot like using new pins and antiseptic tissues. Advise me on lump free after shots.

    I know its still a long way to go.


  21. #21
    azbill109 is offline New Member
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    I've had the same lumps before from deca injections, I got pretty worried about it because it did not subside but I went to see a doctor and he told me to just let it run its course, and after a few weeks it slowly subsided, hope it helps bro!

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