Hey guys,

Decided to step into the realm of AAS. Have 20 amps of Sus 250 for which I am planning to run an 10 week cycle.

Also have some Nolva on hand as my PCT.

Week 1 - 10 - S250 250mg x 2 week (Mon and Thurs)
Week 10 - 12 - Nolva 40mg
Week 12 - 14 - Nolva 20mg

22 years old
185 lbs
BF ~ 13%

Been training for 3 years or so - starting out as a very skinny kid (130lbs).

Supps include Whey Protien, Weight Gainer (to increase calorie intake) and White Flood (pre workout).

Looking at consuming around 4500 - 5000 calories/ day.

Training 4 days/ week.

What do you guys think of this cycle? Is it effective as a first cycle? Is the PCT strong enough?
