I made this cycle just for the fun of it. Don't plan on running it, but thought I would test out my knowledge. Let me know what you think.

I had one of my friends in mind when I made this cycle his stats are something like...

age: 24
wt: 235
ht: 5'11''
BF%: 14-16%
training experience: a very long time... working for his pro card in strong man
Nutritional experience: very good understanding

He also loves EQ which is why I popped it in there.

Wk 1
Test E: 500mg twice a week (Kick-start)
EQ: 400mg twice a week (Kick-start)
Test E: 250mg twice a week
EQ: 300mg twice a week
Test E: 250mg twice a week
EQ: 300mg twice a week
Winny: 50mg ED
Test E: 250mg twice a week
Winny: 50mg ED
Wk 14
Nolva: 40mg ED
Clomid: 100mg ED
Nolva: 20mg ED
Clomid: 50mg ED
Nolva: 20mg ED
Clomid: 50mg ED
Nolva: 20mg ED
Clomid: 50mg ED

*AI taken .25mg EOD if gyno prone or .25mg ED when symptoms arise then .25mg on injection days if not gyno prone
**cycle assist/liver support to be taken with winny(if oral)