OK quick over view which some may have read in past post.

Feb 09 My weight 285lbs now at 203lbs.

The first year i focused just on calories. staying below 1700 a day. i didnt matter what i ate just stayed below 1700. Now i am at the point where it time to clean it up.

now my diet is around 2100 - 2000 calories
brkfst - cup egg whites, yogurt, protien shake
snack - bananna
lunch - frozen weight watcher meal
snack - cup of Special K granola with oats
dinner - 8 oz Chicken breast - large plate Veggies

anyway to my question.

i am looking into a clen cycle to help move things along, and i noticed sample doses and the seem high but only for two weeks on two off. Could i get the same results lower dosage for a longer period.