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  1. #41
    Hard.On's Avatar
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    why are all these new posters being so edgey latly
    They come here to asking us questions and god forbid that we ask them a question or tell them something they dont like/

    Im growing tired of these babies

  2. #42
    laduem88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steelydave11 View Post
    How about this question since Im getting nowhere fast. What is the reason you should not use HCG while on PCT?

  3. #43
    Hard.On's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by laduem88 View Post
    you can be my hero
    are you secretly Enrique Iglasis

  4. #44
    Reed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steelydave11 View Post
    How about this question since Im getting nowhere fast. What is the reason you should not use HCG while on PCT?
    You can but the best protocol is to use it while on. Why not make the most of it?

    Good read:

  5. #45
    Reed's Avatar
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    But I'm still wondering how long have you been on for?

  6. #46
    laduem88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    But I'm still wondering how long have you been on for?
    lol praying your not like those guys who almost dies because they have been on an oral steroid for 20+ weeks and then sues the supplement company

  7. #47
    Reed's Avatar
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    I'd worry about your cholesterol, red blood cell count, kidneys, liver when on cycles like these for extended periods of time.

    I'd take an extended time off and go get some blood work done

  8. #48
    steelydave11 is offline Junior Member
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    my blood work was perfect except for cholesterol. SUS500 has no effect on the liver unlike other orals. i cured the chol. problem with niacin and guggul.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by steelydave11;50***02
    my blood work was perfect except for cholesterol. SUS500 has no effect on the liver unlike other orals. i cured the chol. problem with niacin and guggul.
    What about receptors? You will have to keep upping the dosage as your body adapts

  10. #50
    laduem88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steelydave11;50***02
    my blood work was perfect except for cholesterol. SUS500 has no effect on the liver unlike other orals. i cured the chol. problem with niacin and guggul.
    this is a more research to what you put in your body..sus500 is a combination of different harsh compounds, all that are taxing on the liver

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by laduem88;50***11
    this is a more research to what you put in your body..sus500 is a combination of different harsh compounds, all that are taxing on the liver
    And this is also correct. Look at the bottle and its suppose to have built in liver support

  12. #52
    steelydave11 is offline Junior Member
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    it is not methylated and has no effect on the liver like other orals. Its main problem like other steroids is with cholesterol.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by steelydave11;50***14
    it is not methylated and has no effect on the liver like other orals. Its main problem like other steroids is with cholesterol.
    you obviously dont have a clue what your talking about, tren extreme that "tren" compound you were talking about is hard on your liver even though its not done with thread...bottom line dbol /anavar cycle is garbage..i would seriously start doing more research to what you put in your body because you obviously dont have a clue what your talking about

    best of luck to you and your liver

  14. #54
    Reed's Avatar
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    At your age wouldn't you wanna worry about your prostate, heart and other organs while on these extended cycles.

    What about sex drive, can only imagine what two progestins in sus500 would do to that. Eventually you may have to succumb to injections via being on TRT for the rest of your life with no PCT and breaks b/w cycles

    Research around the site and why injectables (test) would be a better approach.

  15. #55
    steelydave11 is offline Junior Member
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    First of all, there is almost NO liver effect from SUS500. It is NOT tren extreme. It is actual Trenbolone . The facts from the FDA are shown earlier in this thread. TRENBOLONE....NOT....TREN EXTREME. If all youre gonna say is that dbol /anavar is garbage, why dont you suggest a combo that DOES make sense? IVE ONLY ASKED TEN TIMES. Have you noticed all you guys do is say I dont know what Im talking about but you dont have a single correct fact about what I take, and dont have a single suggestion? Funny.

  16. #56
    bjpennnn's Avatar
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    this guy is ****en thick i have been trying to help him as well as all of you i think we should just drop it.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by steelydave11;50***27
    First of all, there is almost NO liver effect from SUS500. It is NOT tren extreme. It is actual Trenbolone. The facts from the FDA are shown earlier in this thread. TRENBOLONE....NOT....TREN EXTREME. If all youre gonna say is that dbol/anavar is garbage, why dont you suggest a combo that DOES make sense? IVE ONLY ASKED TEN TIMES. Have you noticed all you guys do is say I dont know what Im talking about but you dont have a single correct fact about what I take, and dont have a single suggestion? Funny.
    Again the compound stated estra-4,9-diene-3,17-dione is not a tren precursor. It can be made in tren but not in the body. It is missing a double bond in the 11th position, tren has 3 double bonds in the chemical structure and this compound has two. Your body can not add the double bond and it must be done in a chemical reaction

    Ask a chemist, organic chemist and I bet they'll tell you the same thing

    Companies were knowing misleading the public and the FDA must be running with it

    A test, dbol cycle would be good. Check this reading out for a suggested cycle and PCT: Test beginner cycle info

  18. #58
    im9boss is offline Junior Member
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    first of all you have 2 goals in 1. you say your a bodybuilder. then you should know, you can't really mass and cut at the same time, maybe if your jay cutler. but first you mass, then you bodybuilder. and second, classic, you just think these AAS are myrical pills. take one, it makes you massive, take the other, it makes you cut. nonsense. if your cutting with the appropriate diet and training and you do a cutting cycle then yea, but you wont magically get massive and cut if you do dbol and var. training and eating comes in to play WAY more. do some research,i began learning about aas about 2 years ago and really started doing research about 4-5 months atleast now and STILL haven't touched the stuff and I know WAYY more than you. here's another point to take in...come to my gym and i'll point out atleast 5 guys on AAS that are still smaller than me and i'm all natural, for now =) conclusion: AAS are not myrical pills. choose one goal, mass or cut. then do the approriate TRAINING, EATING, and research. once you got those in check to optimum, the aas will do its work. and since you keep whining, forum threads are usually about one topic, not someone asking 20 questions that could easily be answered if you had some BASIC knowledge about AAS and cycling.
    good luck dood
    Last edited by im9boss; 02-20-2010 at 03:15 AM.

  19. #59
    laduem88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by im9boss;50***97
    first of all you have 2 goals in 1. you say your a bodybuilder. then you should know, you can't really mass and cut at the same time, maybe if your jay cutler. but first you mass, then you bodybuilder. and second, classic, you just think these AAS are myrical pills. take one, it makes you massive, take the other, it makes you cut. nonsense. if your cutting with the appropriate diet and training and you do a cutting cycle then yea, but you wont magically get massive and cut if you do dbol and var. training and eating comes in to play WAY more. do some research,i began learning about aas about 2 years ago and really started doing research about 4-5 months atleast now and STILL haven't touched the stuff and I know WAYY more than you. here's another point to take in...come to my gym and i'll point out atleast 5 guys on AAS that are still smaller than me and i'm all natural, for now =) conclusion: AAS are not myrical pills. choose one goal, mass or cut. then do the approriate TRAINING, EATING, and research. once you got those in check to optimum, the aas will do its work. and since you keep whining, forum threads are usually about one topic, not someone asking 20 questions that could easily be answered if you had some BASIC knowledge about AAS and cycling.
    good luck dood

    well said...also people arnt going to just spoon feed you information, these are very powerful hormones and if your interested enough you will take the time to read as much as you can learn.

  20. #60
    NMacFar's Avatar
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    I can't believe I just read through this whole thread. Some of you people have amazing patience!!!!!!!!!!! btw, it's real Tren . HAHAHA

  21. #61
    bjohnson1968 is offline Member
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    Whether or not its real tren converts to tren or doesn't These prohormones are still serious business Constantly people and a lot of kids especially are buying ph with no clue to what they are putting into there system (ex not taxing on your liver)

    Read the threads every time a ph is mentioned it generally has bad side effects that accompany it. Gyno, low libido, testicular atrophy, then they dont know a damn thing of pct (generally speaking) so they geet anxiety depression panic attacks.

    Unfortunatly I know what the f*** I'm talking about I have an 18 yr old son football player who followed this same protical. Whemn i found out is when he started having the anxiety/ panic attacks Go sit in the hospital when your son is hooked to an ekg and the doc tells you he has slowing in the right front temperal lobe of his brain and It may be caused by a tumor NOT FU**ING FUN!!!! Trust me
    Thank god it wasn't however you cant contest he still had slowing could this be he was 17 and has not stopped growing yet? Has he done permanent damage? Who knows the only thingI do know is Prohormones are serious shit


  22. #62
    aussie3105 is offline New Member
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    This guy is hilarious bro you can not cut and bulk at the same time everyone has told you that the dbol and var cycle is no good and you ask for an alternate option and two options have been offered to you pin some test and stop crying there is no way you have any knowledge in terms of aas and you shouldn't touch anything until you do

  23. #63
    gonzo6183's Avatar
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    Did I really just read all of this, yep and im guessing this is a kid about 19 like all the others. Good luck with your "mass/cutting" cycle lol and where can I get this super compound of yours that is "real trenbolone " the super powerful oral that doesnt effect the liver lmao

  24. #64
    Bevsta123's Avatar
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    you are both silly as **** haha this is from 2 years ago >.>

  25. #65
    gonzo6183's Avatar
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    Damn it...

  26. #66
    Younggymrat is offline Junior Member
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    This might sound childish, but I want a body like Arnold!

  27. #67
    gearbox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Younggymrat
    This might sound childish, but I want a body like Arnold!
    So get a spot on diet and work out smart for 10 years solid and hope your a genetic freak like him. Obviously run gear if your an appropriate age and appropriate doses

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