After a few guys urged me not to begin using AAS too young, I have decided to wait a few years and put myself in the best possible position for that. I'd also like to thank you all for not allowing me to make the mistake of starting at a young age.

With that being said, I have another question. I am 19 years old, 5'11, 175, around 17-18% bf. I have been training for 2 and a half years, but I have been training for about two months. I already had quite a bit of muscle, but also a lot of fat. With the help of a nutritionist, I have gotten my diet on point and started living and breathing nutrition. I have already started to notice results of a calorie deficit and I can see myself losing fat and my muscles are looking more defined.

I have read from multiple other threads that, since Clenbuterol doesn't affect hormone levels in any way, it can be taken at almost any age if one follows a serious diet and training plan. Is this true? Is 19 too young to use Clenbuterol? I fully understand the side effects as well as the potential for heart issues. I am also planning on (if you all tell me it's safe) supplementing with taurine and extra potassium.

Thanks in advance!