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  1. #1
    MarkusBig is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Newbie needing help

    Hello All,

    Typical post that most people won't want to respond too, but I am looking for some help.

    Here is some stats on myself;
    Age: 30
    Height; 6'3"
    Weight; 220
    BF; 24%
    Body Mass 56% (hope that is what I remember)
    Currently working out at gym 5 days a week. Taking the normal supplements; protein, creatine, gluatmine, N.O.

    I am looking to cut body fat and turn it into muscle. I have looked at a couple of options;

    1) Winstrol pills

    2) Cycle of Deca and cypaintie, which is injection once a week???? 12 week cycle. Worked great for a friend.

    The needle does scare me a bit due to pain or not doing it right. Which of these options is best for what I am looking for? Or should I do something completely different.

    Thanks for your help and input.

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Nov 2007
    At 24% bf you need a diet not steroids . Steroids do not burn fat diet and training do. The risk of bad side effects is much worse with high bf%.

  3. #3
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    Mar 2008
    Diet and cardio my friend...

    Running steroids at your bf% greatly increases risks of side affects.

  4. #4
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    Mar 2006
    gotta agree with the smart ones here.....

    diet and cardio, no way in hell u should use AAS yet....

  5. #5
    MarkusBig is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Sorry....just relooked at my is still high, but is 20.56%

  6. #6
    slimy's Avatar
    slimy is offline Associate Member
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    "Typical post that most people won't want to respond too"

    You got six responses in about twenty minutes. That's pretty good response in my book.

    You should have said, Typical post that I don't want to hear what you guys have to say.

    We have a few tried and true rules on this board.

    1. must be around 25 years old to start cycling.
    2. Test only for a first cycle.
    3. Bodyfat should be around 15% ( any higher and the risk of sides increases)
    5. Have a good base. Lift heavy for a couple of years naturally.
    6. You will lose all the gains you make if you do not have proper nutrition.

    These are not the fun things that you want to hear. But we try and provide good sound information that accompanies the safer way to use AAS. You did the right thing, you found this forum. There is a TON of information on here. Use the search function. Read the threads at the top of the page marked IMPORTANT.

    Most importantly, go into the diet section. There is a thread there at the top called ''so you wanna learn how to diet". The single most important thread on this website. It's a video about an hour long, but broken down in parts. That video will change your life. Absolutely mind blowing information.

    Good luck, get to reading, and I wish you well.

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