so im on my first cycle and going into the 3rd week now, i do 2 injections of test e 250mg a week... today i injected into my left quad around noon, and the site is still sensitive... there is no swelling, or redness, just sore and sensitive. Just the occasional bad injection?

Also, i was reading an earlier topic about a failed cycle... I have seen some men go on cycles with body fat over 20% and have seen many gains, with just a normal diet, but staying away from carbs and surgars. Im just curious because i have 20% BF and ive noticed coming into my 3rd week more energy, recovery time is shorter, etc. but im starting to worry if these "failed atempts" are just dependent on the body and metabolism characteristics? I know i should have a more balanced diet, but from my guy i bought from, hes a big boy also, and has a plain diet... hejust stays away from carbs and surgars... genetics maybe?

Any reassurance would be awesome

And if anyone is wondering about my workout program, i am following the Fizogen Get Blitzed program