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  1. #1
    shaqfoo is offline New Member
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    Dec 2009

    Arrow lean mass cycle for summer

    Hey guys I want some input on my next cycle I have planned for this summer.

    I have one cycle under my belt. I ran test cyp 500mg/week for 6 weeks and finished up with test heptylate 500mg/week for the last 3 weeks. This cycle was 9 weeks long. I had good results. Definitely noticed more of a kick with the heptylate tho. Went from 213lbs to 232lbs over the cycle and had great strength increases. I am half way through my pct right now and am weighing in at 228lbs and retained most of my strength so far, which I am happy with. I did not receive much bloat on this cycle and the only side effects I experienced was some back acne at week 8. I got some benzol peroxide and tanned a few times and it went away. My current body fat is around 16%. My camera is broken thus cant post pics. Will as soon as I can tho.

    Here are my stats:
    23yrs old
    Consistent training since 16yrs old
    16% BF
    Bench 315lbs 2x
    19" bies

    Now that I have done a brief history of myself and some stats, I am going to go into my next cycle. I want this to be a lean mass cycle and keep water retention low and muscle definition high. I wish to bring down my bf% down a bit also. I am going to run test heptylate 500mg/wk for 10 weeks. I was thinking of running winni injectable with this and anavar along with it for my first option. I would run winni incejtable rather than tabs because it would be easier on my liver. The second option is to run tren ace along with the test. I am a little weary on the tren because of its sides. I have heard tren is bad for acne which I concerned about.

    I am asking your opinion on the compounds I have chosen. I will decide on the dosages and the length and timing of the individual compounds later on.

    Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    CaliPhotog's Avatar
    CaliPhotog is offline Associate Member
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    It seems a bit soon to go jumping into Tren . It sounds like you are still getting fantastic gains from the Test solo. You will also need a few additional ancillaries if you choose to go with the Tren. If you want to put up with the injection pain from injectable winstrol then your option is viable. I don't have any personal experience with the inject pain from winstrol, but I am currently running the oral along with Prop and the reason I choose it was that in all my research I didn't really see any advantage to the injectable vs. the oral (other than the liver issue). I am from the school of though of only adding one new compound per cycle, so I would advise against using both the winstrol and anavar . However, anavar is pretty mild so you would probably be okay. How is your current diet/cardio? Because you will most likely get great results from just the test and winstrol if your diet and cardio are solid.

  3. #3
    shaqfoo is offline New Member
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    Dec 2009
    Yea I think its prob a good idea to not use Tren . I was more asking about it because my buddies love it, but they don't always make the smartest decisions. My diet for the summer will be different than the one I ran on my previous cycle. My last one was more of a bulk and I didn't eat the cleanest, although I did lose a bit of bf. It was hard for me to eat clean all the time during university. Diet during this summer will be mosltly leans fats such as chicken, egg whites in the morning with some oatmeal. Il cut down on carbs but the carbs I do take in will be brown rice. Sorry for such a brief description of my diet. I am pretty good with adjusting my diet to either a bulk or cut. Il be doing around 30 mins of cardio 4 days a week. My body responds pretty well to this amount of cardio and leaner meats with lower carbs.

    The main reason I wanted to run injectable winny is that I read winny is pretty rough on your liver, plus If I ran anavar I didn't want to have a second oral compound in my body. I have heard about winny being really painful, but my friend had some vet grade winny and he said it didn't hurt at all. I was also interested in anavar because its fat burning potential and its mild sides.

  4. #4
    shaqfoo is offline New Member
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    Dec 2009
    Any one else have an opinion about running test winny and anavar . And if I did chose to use winny tabs rather than injections would this be to hard on the liver to take anavar along with it? I would not run winny and anavar for more than 6 weeks.

  5. #5
    shaqfoo is offline New Member
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    Dec 2009

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