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Thread: Epi tapering?

  1. #1
    Archangel. is offline Banned
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    Feb 2010

    Epi tapering?

    Just wondering if their would be any benefit/point to tapering up, peaking, then tapering back down with the ph epi, just like you can do with d-bol??

    Say, over a 8-10 week cycle

    I'd appreciate any input, thanks

  2. #2
    BIG KAY's Avatar
    BIG KAY is offline New Member
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    Mar 2010
    Oahu, Hawaii
    Epi is just epistane.... which is more or less just an estrogen blocker.... youre not going to see that dramatic of gains regardless. If you can somehow find some epivol or spawn (which both contain epistane) then youd be in business. But to answer your question, theres really no point in tapering or pyramiding...... just stick with the 30 mg a day like it says. you could go higher..... epistane isnt anything special.

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