Hi, so I have been doing research for several weeks now and this is actually the first time Ive decided to actually ever post a thread up in a forum. I'm doing this because I feel a bit overwhelmed, confused and dont have anyone to ask with experience. I started taking test enan 1ml every 4days. At around my 8th pin I decided I wanted to take Andropen 275 BD that I had stored for months and stack them. I feel like that was a very stupid idea because now I don't know when to actually start my PCT due to the different esters at play. I have a 7ml left of test from the point I started the andro.. Now my question is..when do I start my PCT? I started to panic about 4days ago becasue I began to develop gyne. I have clomid and nolv both in liq. form and I can't seem to find any answers in any of the forums Ive searched..Please Help!!! I'm 21yrs old weighing 170lbs if that helps? Thanks!