here is my proposed cycle. cycle is 12 weeks with hgh well before continued through and well after.2 ius upto 4 ius on cycle back to 2 ius after.

weeks 1-12 Test P 125 mg eod
Weeks 1-12 Tren A 125 mg eod

( im basicly set on prop and tren) unless i should do more

Dbol 50-60 mg ed for 3 to 3.5 weeks.

Followed by 80 mg Anavar from week 4 into pct.

( Im new to prop havent done the research yet to know when to start pct.) Its 14 days after cyp. since the prop half life is only few days I guess few days after?

Would a liqued Win be bennifical to add? Any sugestions would help. Pref with in paramaters of what Im already planning. Not somthing compleatly diff.

Plan on using clomid nolvadex and HCG aswell for pct.

thanks forthe help
Stats Im Im 5'9 182 about 9-10 % body fat Have about 4 cycles under my belt. As for goal. As always bigger and more ripped. Leaning towrds cutting.