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  1. #41
    mg1228's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by americanoak View Post
    i posted ahtread in the diet section about my diet and usually it seems people are getting told a million things on what to change, but when i posted it i didnt get very much of a respose as to what to change except for upping the cals a bit. So, although my diet may not be 100% it must be pretty decent, know what i mean?

    btw, not trying to sound like a smart ass, but i knew kids that didnt know the first thing about diet or aas, hopped on a cycle and gained a good amount of weight, so i agree diet is part of it, but when on aas it is def muchhh easier (when u get off is a diff story if you dont know how to eat)
    but ur diet consisted of 2000 cals---u wont gain with that--if i remember right u were wanting to cut

    diet is not only a part of it---its 80% of it

  2. #42
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by americanoak View Post
    i am looking at my options declan, i researched aas as when they seemed to not be right for me someone reccomeded hdrol because it was shorter than usual cycles and it is mild on the HPTA, i have been searching around about hdrol a lot outside of these forums, but ide like to see what people have to say about it who have taken the compound. Aas didnt pass the list, so now im looking into this PH. If it turns out this product will be just as harsh, then i will be waiting till i am a bit older.
    diet and good supps my friend, PH's are as harsh if not harsher, believe me with a good diet and creatine, zma, hmb you'd be amazed at what you can achieve, zma and hmb are excellent for strength, i grew like a weed on these supps when i was your age

  3. #43
    c-Z's Avatar
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    So many people argue the strength of ph's... And honestly if they are "stronger" then actual steroids . Then they will shut you down just as hard and fast.

  4. #44
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    declan i agree some PH's can be very harsh and mauybe even stronger than some orals, but i was asking about Hdrol, a Ph that many people say is mild on the HPTA, what do you have to say about THIS ph
    Last edited by americanoak; 03-07-2010 at 11:44 AM.

  5. #45
    marcus300's Avatar
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    You have been told in various threads what you have started not to cycle, your to young and your diet needs work, this whole idea that you can only achieve your goals at your age by injection and tablets is getting alittle tired, why dont you seek help with your diet because the gains from a var cycle or a PH cycle can be easily achieved by changing your diet,

  6. #46
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    Marcus, I know, i contacted fireguy and asked a couple q's about diet, i have taken var off my list already and i am down to my last supp that i am looking into before i completly call a quits on perfomance enhancers. I am going to get my diet the best I can, but you have to admit, everyone is looking for that edge. I am just trying to find out more about this compund and if it doesnt pass like var does then this will probably be my last thread asking about a good PH/aas that i can take untill im older

  7. #47
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Sort your diet and take some quality creatine that will give you the edge,
    you dont want to be trying AAS/PH's what could end up having a negative on your life, changing your diet takes time and for the body to respond to it, stop thinking the answer is within an injection or tablets is isnt ptherwise you could be starting threads about the sides you have and problems you cant get over!!

  8. #48
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    I understand what your saying and i will continue to work on my diet, but i just want to get all the info i can on this last supp efore i call it a quits, you know what i mean? I researched var for months and had my heart set on it, but it turned out that the risks werent worth the rewards, im just checking out hdrol now and i should be done with ph/aas cycle q's

  9. #49
    dec11's Avatar
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    hdrol, spawn etc, all the same crap

  10. #50
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Ph's can be harsher than roids with less results, that alone should steer you away from them, ive had major stomach issues with PH's and if your not eating your not gaining,

    I know how frustrated you feel and I know you dont fully understand how important food can be but once you change your eating habits you will put on some solid muscle with your natural test levels, i for one wouldnt advice you to shut them down with either AAS or PH's, use your high levels and take advantage of them dont mess around with lowering them or shutting them down, you will be sorry.

  11. #51
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    if thts you in the avy, you've got a great base on which to work on, be patient, this game is a long one

  12. #52
    AndriodLee is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by americanoak View Post
    dude, i ased the question cause i didnt know..
    i just said above i know that most people cycle it for around 10 weeks

    it was a a comparison question, i wasnt aware of the ester length so obv when finding that out it would be a dumb idea for 6 weeks... but you coulda just said it takes about 3-5 weeks ot kick in instead of being a dick

    congrats on never asing a question, but i am on a bored of people who like to learn about new things and to also give out informaton to helps those who dont know as much. I could be on here for 2 months or 2 years it rly doesnt matter to me. I was curious as to what the answer would be. It isnt your job to come on this bored and go through every thread and give out info. If your not gonna give me the answer then someone els emight, you dont have ot speak for everyone else and me posting this queston doesnt harm you in any way, so if you dont like answering questions like this then dont waste your time posting a reply to it and not even giving the actual answera dn instead just calling the thread creator an idiot, it is a waste of your time that you seem to love so deerly and a waste of my own, so thanks for the info, but ill wait for others to reply now
    it's a pretty weak question if you ask me. Everybody here who has researched their juice properly knows that it's mentally retarded to run a test e cycle at 250 mg for 2 weeks.

    as far as that low dose of anavar goes... DOOD! there is an anavar post at least twice a day, and BJJ has an excellent anavar only clycle log that you could read about that might help answer your question.

    Stupid questions get stupid answers.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    So many people argue the strength of ph's... And honestly if they are "stronger" then actual steroids. Then they will shut you down just as hard and fast.

    They can and do. superdrol was terrible shutdown very harsh compound but that was an active steroid that just hadnt been added to the controled substance list yet not really a prohormone.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by declan11 View Post
    hdrol, spawn etc, all the same crap

    Thats just like saying dbol , winstrol all the same crap

  15. #55
    lexruger's Avatar
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    PH are harsh... your better off waiting

  16. #56
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    americanoak at the end of the day you are to young to use AAS.

    nobody wants to waste an ounce of sleep at night knowing they gave advice for a 20 year old to possibly fuk themselves up for life...

    Your an adult an can make your own decisions in life but you only have one body

    As for scientific evidence that proves taking AAS under 25 years ...there is none

    we can only go by anecdotal evidence from other memebers who have used them at a young age.

    its hypocritical of me saying this because im young also and will be cycling soon, but you have to take responsibilites for your actions and face the possible consequences later in life if you chose to do so.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndriodLee View Post
    it's a pretty weak question if you ask me. Everybody here who has researched their juice properly knows that it's mentally retarded to run a test e cycle at 250 mg for 2 weeks.

    as far as that low dose of anavar goes... DOOD! there is an anavar post at least twice a day, and BJJ has an excellent anavar only clycle log that you could read about that might help answer your question.

    Stupid questions get stupid answers.
    i didnt say 2 weeks, knew they were both very mild and wanted to know how they would be compared. Thanks

    As for everyone else i know, i am younger than 25, aas is harsh, Ph is harsh, BUT is HDROL a very mild Ph or not..........

    and yes thats me in my avy for whoever asked

  18. #58
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymnerd View Post
    Thats just like saying dbol , winstrol all the same crap
    i wasnt disputing its worthiness, merely stating that all are in the same bracket

  19. #59
    AndriodLee is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by americanoak View Post
    i didnt say 2 weeks, knew they were both very mild and wanted to know how they would be compared. Thanks

    As for everyone else i know, i am younger than 25, aas is harsh, Ph is harsh, BUT is HDROL a very mild Ph or not..........

    and yes thats me in my avy for whoever asked
    Sorry kid, I meant to write 6 week cycle. It's still a stupid question to ask, and even stupid to be considering.

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by declan11 View Post
    i wasnt disputing its worthiness, merely stating that all are in the same bracket

    My bad LOL

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    americanoak at the end of the day you are to young to use AAS.

    nobody wants to waste an ounce of sleep at night knowing they gave advice for a 20 year old to possibly fuk themselves up for life...

    Your an adult an can make your own decisions in life but you only have one body

    As for scientific evidence that proves taking AAS under 25 years ...there is none

    we can only go by anecdotal evidence from other memebers who have used them at a young age.

    its hypocritical of me saying this because im young also and will be cycling soon, but you have to take responsibilites for your actions and face the possible consequences later in life if you chose to do so.

    Well said.

  22. #62
    Remoguy is offline New Member
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    Dude I think you should just juice up If you want the edge that everyone on this site has go for it you kno the risk, I kno i did.

  23. #63
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by Remoguy View Post
    Dude I think you should just juice up If you want the edge that everyone on this site has go for it you kno the risk, I kno i did.
    dude maybe you shouldent give out such bad advise about things you clearly dont understand...kay cant wait for your "i ****ed myself up using aas too early cus i thought it make me he-man what do i do now" thread...

  24. #64
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Remoguy View Post
    Dude I think you should just juice up If you want the edge that everyone on this site has go for it you kno the risk, I kno i did.

  25. #65
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    lol, I will say my original question in the post was quite dumb ( to you guys ) because I didnt know that the esters took a few weeks to kick in on a test e cycle, however, i was going on that they were short esters and wanted a comparison in that way. I understand that when you look at it with long esters it does seem very dumb. Also, I am only 21 and that is the reason why i made the test dose so low, (also not aware that hrt dose was 250mg as well) anyway, I kept it a low dose for both to compare which roid was more suppressive. I know now that even if this question is answered it will be useless to me because i wouldnt run a 6 week cycle of test e and im guessing even at hrt test lvls for a 10 week cycle would be more suppressive than a mild var cycle.

    As for Remoguy, I def and not gonna take that advice, even though it is what most newbies wanna see, I am gonna take another rout on this one and do more research. AAS is no longer on my mind, at the moment. Well it is.. but not in the way that I will order up a cycle any time soon.

  26. #66
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    You've received some solid advice. I respect the knowledge and opinion of the long-time vets, such as marcus, who have put a great deal of time and effort into teaching FACTs to those looking for answers.

    There are lots of posts that will explain almost everything you need to know. You can find those through the search button in the grey band at the top of the page.

    The entire left side of the front page at has links to resources and information that you need to know. There are great resources here... this is like no other site I've seen.

    Your natural levels of hormones should be high enough to promote your goal to get bigger and stronger. You may need to work on your diet. If you damage your body by starting a cycle too soon, then you may never reach the potential that you are trying to achieve now.

    Be patient, develop your plan and build a better life for yourself. What you do today will affect you for the rest of your life.

  27. #67
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    bahh i know, i have read many stickeys and i know pretty much all the risks. I hate to be a bother on people, but honestly if they don't like what I am asking then they do not need to keep on replying.

    I know AAS is risky business and this is why I am asking all of these questons. I was told and have read in several different places that HDrol is very mild. Yes, it can be harsh on liver and other internals, but as for HPTA suppression I have not really seen any evidence that this is even as close to as harsh as everyone is making it out to be. I have read several other sites where people are using otc PCT's or just plain natt test boosters on this supplement and seem to be making out fine.

    Can someone please explain to me the damage (realistically) that can be done by taking 4 weeks/50mg ed of hdrol, one of the most mild PH's. I know there is always a chance that natty test lvls could not recover fully, but what exactly are the odds of this.. put into consideration the number of kids even starting around the age of 17 who have done actual cycles of test, dbol , etc and have came out perfectly fine (atleast people i have known in the past) I also have a brother who knew a bunch of kids when he went to high school who cycled. The only issues i ever heard was a kid who took an oral cycle, blew up, made some rly nice gains, didnt pct, had toruble getting it up for a while and is fine now.

  28. #68
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    test is best!

    test e wk 1-12: 500mg/wk, shoot 250 monday and 250 thursday
    anavar wk 1-6: 80-100mg/day

    oh yeah.... and TRENNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    test is best!

    test e wk 1-12: 500mg/wk, shoot 250 monday and 250 thursday
    anavar wk 1-6: 80-100mg/day

    oh yeah.... and TRENNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!

    extreme aha

  30. #70
    Remoguy is offline New Member
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    By the away my advice was not to be taken seriously I just wanted to see how flustered the vets would get and see wut oak would reply sorry if i pissed a few people off.

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