I was looking at a different oral compound for this one. I have used Anadrol and Dianabol in my previous cycles and was wondering if possibly using Anavar would be a better choice for a kick starting oral. Dose of which I'm not too 100% on, I've been reading at 100mgs/ed but the time frame I'm not positive with. I had a serious problem with Deca on my most recent cycle, and I got some sides heavy with it for a short time, but increasing my test intake conquered that... I just really don't feel comfortable using it again after that. So far minus the oral I was thinking of:

600mgs/week EQ
800mgs/week Test 400

PCT: 40mgs/ed Nolvadex
50mgs/ed Clomid

Hopefully HCG so I can run it my entire cycle

Age: will be 24 at the start of it
Height: 6'2
Weight: 240
BF%: <10%
Two cycles in experience
Diet: Impeccable, averaging between 4-5000 calories/day with clean foods

I've been able to maintain my weight and muscle mass from my last cycle (minus 2-3 lbs of water I shed almost instantly) and have been off cycle for almost two months now.