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  1. #1
    nextMr0 is offline New Member
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    First cyc. Advice

    Whats Up Guys,
    Been doing lots of research for years.
    I decided that I wanted to be a professional body builder when I was 17 and I started working out hard ever since.

    Guys from the gym told me that I had good proportion and great muscle development. This would make it easier for me to get bigger to achieve my dream. I just had to work really hard they said.

    I got some GEAR from them and have been doing my cycle for 3 weeks now. I have actually lost 3 lbs. Could this stuff be fake?

  2. #2
    lexruger's Avatar
    lexruger is offline Associate Member
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    ok.. first off what did they give you?


    DO you know what pct is and do you have one lined up?

  3. #3
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Anybody that sells steroids to an uneducated user needs to be fvcking shot in the head with a .45

  4. #4
    nextMr0 is offline New Member
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    I am doing,

    Weeks 1-14 Test Etnh
    Weeks 1-10 Tren A
    Weeks 1-4 DBOL
    Weeks 1-8 HGH 3iu a day

    Probly throw in some anavar or winny near the end.

    Have nolva/clomid

    I thought I would be bigger by now.
    Could I be injecting it wrong?

  5. #5
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    May be fake gear.

    Waste of hgh for sure.

    Too much for first cycle.

    How much dbol , tren and test are you taking per week?

  6. #6
    nextMr0 is offline New Member
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    why is it a waste? am I not taking enough

    dbol 40 mg a day 1 pill 4 times a day
    Test 500mg once a week
    tren 75mg a day/ usually inject in glutes (starting to hurt )

    I know some would say its alot. But I want to get big and lean. Im not one of those peeps who wants to get fat while on a cycle and then spend months losing it.
    I also want to compete ASAP

  7. #7
    lexruger's Avatar
    lexruger is offline Associate Member
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    i cant believe they put you on tren they're dipshits

  8. #8
    nextMr0 is offline New Member
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    Ive been reading on this site alot about HCG and I checked and I can get it for sure.
    I think I should use that so my junk dont get to small.

  9. #9
    DCannon's Avatar
    DCannon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    HGH needs to be run for 6 months at least.

    Split your test up into 2 doses per week.

  10. #10
    DCannon's Avatar
    DCannon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    How old are you?

  11. #11
    nextMr0 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCannon View Post
    HGH needs to be run for 6 months at least.

    Split your test up into 2 doses per week.
    I dont have enough money for 6 months. could probly get enough for 4 months.

    But I will be running a PCT in week 16 so is it safe to run the HGH with PCT?

  12. #12
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nextMr0 View Post
    why is it a waste? am I not taking enough

    dbol 40 mg a day 1 pill 4 times a day
    Test 500mg once a week
    tren 75mg a day/ usually inject in glutes (starting to hurt )

    I know some would say its alot. But I want to get big and lean. Im not one of those peeps who wants to get fat while on a cycle and then spend months losing it.
    I also want to compete ASAP
    Hope you are not using mostly glutes. You are asking for bad scar tissue. With your frequency of injections you need to rotate:

    calves, biceps, triceps, quads, glutes and delts

  13. #13
    nextMr0 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    Hope you are not using mostly glutes. You are asking for bad scar tissue. With your frequency of injections you need to rotate:

    calves, biceps, triceps, quads, glutes and delts
    Im afraid to inject anywhere else. The HGH needles are small so its cool.
    but i dont feel comfortable injecting aywhere else then glutes.

    Maybe my next cycle I will learn about other places

  14. #14
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    If you are afraid then you need to throw yourr shit in the trash. You are going to fvck yourself up

  15. #15
    shadey33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nextMr0 View Post
    Im afraid to inject anywhere else. The HGH needles are small so its cool.
    but i dont feel comfortable injecting aywhere else then glutes.

    Maybe my next cycle I will learn about other places
    youtube site injections explains everything you need for diffrent spots with that amount of shots you could get bad scar tissue

  16. #16
    nextMr0 is offline New Member
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    is there anywhere I can get my stuff tested.
    The guys where I got it from are really big so im assuming they use the same stuff
    and I do trust them, their cool

  17. #17
    AstheticKing's Avatar
    AstheticKing is offline Associate Member
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    you should had started with a test only cycle.............stop and do a pct plz....wait for a veteran of this forum, find phate or swifto

    you are paralyzing your ability to get huge in the future by hitting the ground running at this speed....why are you taking so much??

    what are your stats??

  18. #18
    nextMr0 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AstheticKing View Post
    you should had started with a test only cycle.............stop and do a pct plz....wait for a veteran of this forum, find phate or swifto

    you are paralyzing your ability to get huge in the future by hitting the ground running at this speed....why are you taking so much??

    what are your stats??
    Thanks Jack Black,
    Dont think i will be doing that

    15% BF

  19. #19
    AstheticKing's Avatar
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    taking gear can be a science, you cant just spear head this and rush into it thinking youll lift eat and sleep repeat every day and get big....its diet,hormone regulation,liver and blood pressure health, prostate health, cholesterol.......stop everything as soon as safely possible, i think you can hcg and nolva off at this point and still be ok then after you do more learning do a test only and work your way up to a few cycles and add dbol then add dht's then add them both then start kickstarting and backloading cycles THEN use other hormones that arent test-derived

  20. #20
    AstheticKing's Avatar
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    at 5''10 145 and 15% you could have got to 185 even 200 with just vitamins,creatine and a good diet

  21. #21
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nextMr0 View Post
    Thanks Jack Black,
    Dont think i will be doing that

    15% BF
    The guys at your gym said you have a great build to start using steroids ?

  22. #22
    AstheticKing's Avatar
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    im done here, was trying to help you need to take a step back and accept you know little about AAS, cuz as is you are givin little respect to me when its obvious you know nothing and need to be taught about steriods ...good luck, dont lose your hair and get boobs destroy your endocrine system get jaundice and mess up your cholesterol and get on hrt with peanut balls.....people here IF YOU LISTEN TO THEM will help you prevent all that, but me im done
    Last edited by AstheticKing; 03-11-2010 at 06:44 PM.

  23. #23
    nextMr0 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    The guys at your gym said you have a great build to start using steroids?
    mainly proportion
    I know im light now.

    but ive been looking around and talking to people and the more muscle you gain with GEAR the better you look

    Look at lee priest for example.
    I know he was my age when he started and look where he is now.

  24. #24
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Your current height and weight determine your genetic potential with your current training and diet.

    So when you stop taking AAS, you will be right back where you started. Good luck Mr.0.

  25. #25
    nextMr0 is offline New Member
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    Here are my before pictures.
    they are from 4 weeks ago

  26. #26
    lexruger's Avatar
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  27. #27
    AstheticKing's Avatar
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    is this a freakin joke??? look I know i said i was done here but your gonna freakin hurt yourself and i cant walk away now.......gimme a second

  28. #28
    lexruger's Avatar
    lexruger is offline Associate Member
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    This isnt real i just googled for pics and found it

    He's a troll 4 real

  29. #29
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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  30. #30
    nextMr0 is offline New Member
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    This was Lee priest before

  31. #31
    AstheticKing's Avatar
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    1) your way too light to take gear, if you truly want to be a bodybuilder get to around 190 at least naturally
    2)test only cycle should be your first cycle at around 190+ pounds and you can bench in the area of 235 give or take and squat 305ish, these are rough estimates for you but at least its better than what your doing right now.....oh AN ONLY WHEN YOUR 23 OR OLDER
    3) you probly dont know the difference in hte chemistry of the different steriods and how they interact or emulate testosterone and how anabolic or androgenic they are, this has a direct correlation to your health and goals, for intance a dht will make you more vascular while a progestin will bloat you and 19-nor can do both in a wierd but true way and a straight test is the standard etcetera
    4) you know little to nothing about PCT, research PCT, you cannot carry out and excursion into the world of muscle for any sport and be succseful without knowing pct, your time in off cycle will wreck your gains if you know little about PCT
    5) diet is somthing you need to learn about before you take AAS, you cant just take gear and gain wieght it has a relationship to the anabolism of you diet and the amount of protien you take in and what KIND of protien and if you have enough of the right carbs and fiber and minerals
    6)you need to understand why
    7) i give the phuck up theres too much just know your lost if you dont stop and start learning

  32. #32
    AstheticKing's Avatar
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    whats a troll?

  33. #33
    TwoGuns's Avatar
    TwoGuns is offline Junior Member
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    lol dood is huge

  34. #34
    lexruger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AstheticKing View Post
    whats a troll?
    he makes shit up because he thinks he's funny

  35. #35
    nextMr0 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lexruger View Post
    he makes shit up because he thinks he's funny
    I dont know how to respond to this
    Im really not making anything up. Im a hard gainer =.
    I really just came here to find out if my Gear is good or not.
    Anywhere I can goto check it?

  36. #36
    nextMr0 is offline New Member
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    I did lots of research before I signed up today,
    I didnt make an account because I see how you all treat us lighter guys

    Everyone is small when they start.
    Too many hipacrites on this site. No joke So many of you started before you should of.
    At least im not lying about it.

    Its ok for all of you to do it and then just come on to threads and pass judgement so quickly.

    Im not going to be a dick head about this so please say your insults to all of your before pictures

  37. #37
    lostboy74 is offline Junior Member
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    wtf home skillet....i thought i was all wrong for aas but this is rediculous. you are taking way to much for a beginner. do yourself a favor and end cycle now "safely" and research. I was on this and other sites researching for 10 months before i finally did my first test only cycle. you havent said your age on here yet, so lets have it. you look about 19

  38. #38
    Hard.On's Avatar
    Hard.On is offline Senior Member
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    What a stupid thread,
    This is obv. a member trying to be funny

    I have seen those photos before just cant remember where

  39. #39
    Hard.On's Avatar
    Hard.On is offline Senior Member
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    i get a f*kin award

    The reason I remembered that photo is because i remember how much of a fag he looked like after/ and b4

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