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  1. #1
    I.Muscle is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2010

    Quick question about clen "no more than 12 weeks"

    I read/heard about using clen no more than 12 consecutive weeks. I ran it 1st week of jan for only 7 days (got up to 100mcg from 20 day 1), then i ran it mid feb for only 10 days, now im on my 3rd cycle after about 2.5-3 weeks after my 2nd cycle. I got 5 days left of doing on this cycle, running it full 14 days (at 100mcg strong).

    My question is i might want to use it for 2 weeks one more time to finish off my cut. However ive used it for over a span of 12 weeks. I always had at least 2 weeks off between cycle 1,2,+ 3. When is the safest to attempt a 4th cycle?

  2. #2
    I.Muscle is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2010

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
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    if your taking 2 weeks off in between cycles then you can run it as long as you like imho there really isnt any set rule as long as your monitoring your blood pressure and such...ive ran clen for 16weeks straight using ketofen a few years back and im in good health but everyone is different so if you feel its hard on your body then go easy...i agree with being cautious with clen it can be harsh to some...

  4. #4
    eljugo16's Avatar
    eljugo16 is offline Associate Member
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    the CITY
    i'v ran clen for 16 weeks straight also, doing 3on 2 off protocol. Pyramided up to 200mcgs split throughout the day (wouldn't recommend it). Clen is one of those types of substances that vary GREATLY amongst individuals. I don't personally start feeling anything until i reach 60-80mcgs a day (depending where my bf% is) but my training partner is wired at 40mcgs

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