Well, it's been a while gals and guys, board seems to be doing great.

Anyhow, let me know what everyone here thinks, it may just be me because I'm not the sharpest needle in your glute.

Brothers friend is on a cycle of 80mg Tren , 100mg Prop and 50mg Winny very day. He’s upset because he has only put on 5 pounds in 4 weeks.

He bumped his cycle to… now get this… 150mg’s Prop ED and 100mg’s Tren ED.
He’s trying to tell me that he thinks the Tren is bunk or underdosed because he isn’t showing any gains….
Okay, now it’s taking me all of my strength and willpower not to smack this guy and call him my bitch for the night… but correct me if I’m wrong here…
How in the hell do you figure it’s the Tren that’s underdosed when you are using 1000MG’S OF TESTOSTERONE and have only gained 5 lbs?
What, the tren is acting as some sort of an ANTI – ANABOLIC agent or something?

“Well, I’m doing 1000mg’s of Testosterone and 700mg’s of Tren a week but I’ve only gained 5 lbs so the Tren isn’t working!” … duh…

Wouldn’t that mean that NOTHING was working, not even the damn prop?

Ok, solutions, I can only think that it’s his diet but he swears to me his diet is “top notch” and his training is “really intense” for the 3 days a week he does train.

From my experience the problem has always boiled down to Diet most of the time and then training.

Whatever, just want to feed my ego here and tell me what you guys think so I can print this and smash his face in with it.

Love the support, thanks!