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  1. #1
    Icheatatsports is offline New Member
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    Dec 2008

    T400 Newbie, Dosage help??

    Hello all,

    long time reader of these forums, a good 2 to 3 years anyways never post thou, and have never done a cycle. and for good reason.

    Not until this last year have i been able to buckle down and take working out as a life style, finally have my nutrition and routine down and have seen massive improvements all natural. Anyways like many people i have wanted to do a cycle for sometime but have held off for the reasons above and because i knew full well i was to young and immature.

    I had planned on doing a test e only cycle, so thats what i ordered from a trusted co worker but i received T-400 because test-e is rare and hardly used where i am from now i guess. that was 2 months ago and i have been researching it ever since and have decided to go ahead and take the leap.

    i am 6'0 205 pound 25 year old

    i have 3 vials of...
    test e 250mg
    test c 50mg
    test undecanoate 100mg

    looking for a suggested injection schedule and dosage from some of you vets.
    and duration of cycle,

    all help is appreciated everything i have said is correct 100% truth and will be running the cycle even if some think it is not a good idea because i am still relativity young at 25.

    all thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Icheatatsports is offline New Member
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  3. #3
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    Ive never used T400 but have heard it can be painful. Also read some labs have a "painless" version, either way, you'll find out.

    An advised first cycle is 500 mg per week of test. It should be injected twice a week, like Monday/thursday. To get 500mg per week, inject 5/8CC twice a week.

    What does your planned PCT look like?

  4. #4
    Icheatatsports is offline New Member
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    Dec 2008
    Thank you for the reply,

    after my research the past month or 2 it seems the undecanoate has a long half life and pct shouldn't be started until about 20 days after last shot from what i was able to search out.

    nolva 40/20/20
    clomid 100/50/50/50
    L-dex .25 a day throughout

    searching the web thou i have had problems finding pct for the blend i have so any advice or tweaks would be much appreciated
    Last edited by Icheatatsports; 03-30-2010 at 08:13 AM.

  5. #5
    Icheatatsports is offline New Member
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    Dec 2008
    oh and will be taking milk thistle everyday throughout the cycle

  6. #6
    slimy's Avatar
    slimy is offline Associate Member
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    Milk thistle isn't needed because you are not taking any orals. It won't hurt, but is not needed.

    I have used T400 multiple times. It was all I could get for a while, too. It is very painful. I like more 'painless' drugs for newbies, like test E. But since you have it, go ahead and run it. Ibuprofen will be your new friend.

    Don't forget to get that diet perfect. Lasting gains are made in the kitchen. What you put in your mouth is way more important than what you stick in your ass.

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