Whats up fellas, I am about to start using some HCG during a cycle. I am not too familiar with it but I have done some research. First, the amps I got did not come with matching solvent amps, so can I just get a bottle of Bacterostatic (sp) water and mix with that?

Also, what should my dosage be per week of HCG? I like to err on the safer side and would rather do more small doses as opposed to larger doses. I dont want to desensitize the leydig cells or whatever blah blah blah...The cycle I will be running is a standard 600mg Test Ent per week for 16 weeks, along with a kickstart of Tbol for 4 weeks.

Also, I am very gyno prone and I know that HCG can aggravate this BIG TIME. Will the aromasin I will be using at 12.5mg ED to combat any estrogen issues with the Test 600mg be good enough to combat HCG related gyno??? or do I need to take Nolvadex .

Thanks for the input in advance and if you want to give me any advice its much appreciated. Thanks.