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  1. #1
    Forbidden16 is offline Junior Member
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    Catabolism while cutting on AAS

    Hi all,

    Been severely educating myself on this website for a couple of months now and I have some questions I'd like to hear from users about cutting on AAS cycles.

    For example, I'm currently cutting naturally for the second time and I restrict myself to losing not much over 1lb/weekly while watching my diet/macros with the hope of losing the least muscle mass possible.

    Now the question is, if I'd be doing say Anavar /Winny or any of the popular AAS preferred to preserve mass while cutting... how much is the difference in terms of how fast I can lose weight without putting my mass at risk assuming diet is on check?

    You could attribute this to tons of motivation that I have been cutting 1+~ pounds weekly and I'm doing so far ONLY caloric restrictions until later on the cut when I start feeling hungry due to lower calories and then add cardio to counter this. Meaning that I know I could cut much faster but I don't because of fear of muscle loss.

    If while you're on AAS (dose/compound dependant) the catabolism is not even a concern and you can even "recomp" and build mass while cutting, then a cut goes much faster and without muscle loss to a high certain point?

    I hope I made my points and questions clear, ask me for clarification if it isn't.

  2. #2
    jordann is offline Associate Member
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    If all you're asking is "will I be in a catabolic state while on AAS" the answer is no. AAS increases protein synthesis and nitrogen rentention. As long as your diet is in check and protein requirements are met you'll stay in an anabolic state.

  3. #3
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    aas reduces catabolism while in a calorie deficit.. it doesnt negate it. so you can diet harder faster w/ less loss

  4. #4
    Sheven is offline Banned
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    losing the plot,remember?
    anabolics also work on the cortisone which is important factor anti catabolism

  5. #5
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    AAS will allow you to lose more fat without losing muscle then being natural. But you can still overdue the cardio/diet and lose muscle while on AAS. Ive seen bodybuilders on huge cycles lose lots of muscle because they didn't give themselves enough time to diet before a show. They end up losing fat and muscle and just wind up being smaller.

    As far as losing fat and gaining muscle simultaneously, good luck. People say it can be done, but Ive never seen anyone do it.

  6. #6
    apmakeio-'s Avatar
    apmakeio- is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    AAS will allow you to lose more fat without losing muscle then being natural. But you can still overdue the cardio/diet and lose muscle while on AAS. Ive seen bodybuilders on huge cycles lose lots of muscle because they didn't give themselves enough time to diet before a show. They end up losing fat and muscle and just wind up being smaller.

    As far as losing fat and gaining muscle simultaneously, good luck. People say it can be done, but Ive never seen anyone do it.
    your last statement is true. some guys have the impression they gain muscle and lose weight when in fact they only have a visual appearance of more muscle because they lost fat and muscle looks very defined and has more visual volume. cutting for me means loosing fat and increasing durity and definition.

  7. #7
    Forbidden16 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa View Post
    aas reduces catabolism while in a calorie deficit.. it doesnt negate it. so you can diet harder faster w/ less loss
    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    AAS will allow you to lose more fat without losing muscle then being natural. But you can still overdue the cardio/diet and lose muscle while on AAS. Ive seen bodybuilders on huge cycles lose lots of muscle because they didn't give themselves enough time to diet before a show. They end up losing fat and muscle and just wind up being smaller.

    As far as losing fat and gaining muscle simultaneously, good luck. People say it can be done, but Ive never seen anyone do it.
    Ok, that is the main point I'm looking at. Now, any pointers on how much is "harder and faster" to be borderline at risk of muscle loss? 3,4,5+ pounds weekly? Say on an example beginner 500mg Test Weekly / 60mg Anavar ED cycle so you have grounds to refer to.

    Also, about the simultaneous fat loss / muscle gain... I was under the impression that the elevated anabolic hormone levels would make for a recomposition towards more muscle mass but this isn't possible due to energy balance being in the negative then?

  8. #8
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by apmakeio- View Post
    your last statement is true. some guys have the impression they gain muscle and lose weight when in fact they only have a visual appearance of more muscle because they lost fat and muscle looks very defined and has more visual volume. cutting for me means loosing fat and increasing durity and definition.
    I've gained weight or stayed the same weight on cycle while leaning out. so the only way to do that was i lost fat and gained muscle. Its more the possible

  9. #9
    Spartans09's Avatar
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    I too have kept my weight the same and cut several % points off my bodyfat with a similiar cycle you mentioned. Quicker body recomposition is definately possible with anabolics.

  10. #10
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    AAS will allow you to lose more fat without losing muscle then being natural. But you can still overdue the cardio/diet and lose muscle while on AAS. Ive seen bodybuilders on huge cycles lose lots of muscle because they didn't give themselves enough time to diet before a show. They end up losing fat and muscle and just wind up being smaller.

    As far as losing fat and gaining muscle simultaneously, good luck. People say it can be done, but Ive never seen anyone do it.
    x2, alot of ppl dont realise how difficult this is to do, you'd need to scientifically know your body inside out

  11. #11
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    AAS will allow you to lose more fat without losing muscle then being natural. But you can still overdue the cardio/diet and lose muscle while on AAS. Ive seen bodybuilders on huge cycles lose lots of muscle because they didn't give themselves enough time to diet before a show. They end up losing fat and muscle and just wind up being smaller.

    As far as losing fat and gaining muscle simultaneously, good luck. People say it can be done, but Ive never seen anyone do it.
    I have done it several times as have many people I have worked with and can document it.
    Post 25 and 26 two recent examples.

  12. #12
    j4ever41's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    I've gained weight or stayed the same weight on cycle while leaning out. so the only way to do that was i lost fat and gained muscle. Its more the possible
    im with you brotha

  13. #13
    Forbidden16 is offline Junior Member
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    So on average how many pounds do you guys aim to cut weekly while on a cycle?

  14. #14
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    AAS will allow you to lose more fat without losing muscle then being natural. But you can still overdue the cardio/diet and lose muscle while on AAS. Ive seen bodybuilders on huge cycles lose lots of muscle because they didn't give themselves enough time to diet before a show. They end up losing fat and muscle and just wind up being smaller.

    As far as losing fat and gaining muscle simultaneously, good luck. People say it can be done, but Ive never seen anyone do it.
    iv never experienced it but when i used to be a PT all my clients would get stronger, harder, and lose fat fairly rapidly w/in the first 2-3months of training (because they were virgins to real training) but once they started to acquire a foundational base of LBM .. nah.. it was either calorie deficit and drop fat or caloric excess and gain adipose tissue in conjunction w/ muscle.. though i assume w/ high amounts of GF it would be fairly easy to do

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