My buddy just started a cycle 10 weeks @ 400mg test e/cyp and 300mg deca per week. He calls me 3 days after his first pin and tells me that his quad is sore from the injection and that the pain is debilitating. This isn't the first time he's cycled and from my own steroid use I've had gear that made me hurt too so I told him not to worry it should subside. A few days after that he tells me that he can barely walk due to the pain and that his leg has begun to swell. He's worried as shit now and doesn't want to see the doc just yet. Has anyone ever experienced this terrible side? He split up his gear so he could pin 200mg test and 150mg deca twice a week. I am unaware if mixing these 2 compounds in the same pin is to blame or could the gear have been tainted? The stuff came packaged and sealed in it's original packaging and it came from a legit source. The gears exp isnt until sometime in 2011. Also he kept it refrigerated for a couple months before he began his cycle, could this be a factor? Thanks for any input.