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  1. #1
    MaGiCJNG is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Last cycle of Test E/Mast

    I have a question that considering i dont have insurance, cant get a clear answer from a dermatologist or what not.

    Anyways, I broke out for the first time on my one cycle of Test E/Mast a year ago. I actually broke out way after the cycle, and just attributed the break out on my shoulders to the cycle, which i could be wrong.

    Nonetheless, I want to describe what happens when I get pimples now and see if anyone else experiences this.

    I have "marks" per se' now on my shoulders (rear and side). Its sort of as if once the zit went away, it went UNDER my skin and left a discoloration different to the normal pigment of my skin color. This is a ****in horrible description haha i know but its sort of the only way I could describe it.

    Basically, it leaves a little red mark the size of what the zit was in its place...and its all over my shoulders. At first, i was able to rub my hand over the infected area and you could feel the bumps. They were full blown zits...not little pimples. Now, my skin is smooth but discolored some. I nevr used to get pimples like crazy...just a few here and there. Now, I only pretty much get them on my where else.

    I did notice however i got one on my cheek a few months ago. Left it alone...didnt pop it or anything...and it left the same type of mark. Its just a slightly different shade than my skin color.

    Here is what I have no avail:
    Different soaps
    No lotion
    Different over the counter products
    (as a last resort) small doses of accutane (40 mg to 20 mg)

    The reason i put lotion and no lotion was because i figured at first, using lotion would make my skin more oily and in turn breakout. Then i read something that made total sense of the fact that if your skin is too dry, your glands may produce oil to make your skin moist and in turn breakout. Then i started using lotion.

    Please note, i didnt just use these products for a couple weeks at a time and then moved on... I used these for months at a time, some still to this day, like my Nizoral.

    I dont really get zits anymore on my shoulders I just want to know if there is anything I can do for the discoloration so to speak?

    Anyone ever have this issue? I'm thinking it may be some type of scarring but i never used to pop them and unless scarring from pimples is different than actual cuts of skin, it certainly doesnt look like scarring.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

  2. #2
    no1tou's Avatar
    no1tou is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2009
    Get a dark tan. If the tan doesnt cover it then it should fade each time you peel.

  3. #3
    MaGiCJNG is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    I realized that I forgot to mention this. I have tanned on numerous occasions as well. I am just curious if this is some kind of condition. I guess its hard to tell without a dermotologist.

    My main thing was to see if anyone else had this experience.

    Thanks though.

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