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  1. #1
    cburn29 is offline New Member
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    Test Cyp and Propecia

    I wanted to get everyone's opinion on Propecia/proscar effects when on a Test only cycle. I have Propecia on hand if I see my hair thinning. I just started a 10 week cyle of Test Cyp. I am running 400mg a week. Will I see drop offs in results if I take Propecia? I know Propecia blocks DHT and I heard by bocking DHT the test would be more susceptible to converting to estrogen? Any truth to this?? I also have Nolvadex on hand just in case... Any thoughts??

  2. #2
    dieseljimmy is offline Associate Member
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    The jury is still out. I have read conflicting information. I take it as a precaution and I still grow. (but my test dose is marginally higher)
    your test dose is pretty soft so I would not use it.
    I think it is like AI's avoid them unless you need them.

  3. #3
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    This is your first cycle I assume? I wouldnt bother taking it unless I saw the problem (which you stated). But if you see the thinning and you are willing to take the Propecia as you do not want the hairloss, then you have to deal with possible lesser results. I dont know a lot of guys who get hairloss @ 400/wk.

    On a side not, maybe run the Cyp to week 12 if you can, the best results (diet pending) will come in after week 7.

  4. #4
    BOBBY D's Avatar
    BOBBY D is offline Member
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    i personally would start it if you have that hair loss running in your family history. I sed it during my cycle w/ sustanon for 12 weeks & continued it for 3 months after cycle..

    you will have estrogen build up from the test no matter what.. so nolvadex for blocking estrogen to breast tissue a plus & must have.

    I used "advodart" (dutastride) which is a lot better than propecia, less of those side effects... Trust me on this, my first cycle was test cyp. & dbol , I didn't use any dht blockers cause i was a newbie & i noticed a minimal amount of front hair line thinning.

    Then second cycle sut250 12wks, i took 1 advodart a day & noticed my hair stayed & felt stronger & didn't shed out when i ran gel through my hair.. Try it out..

    Just never use Advodart or propecia when using deca in a cycle, deca will counter act w/ the propecia & make u lose more hair than just running the compounds w/ out any dht blockers.. good luck

  5. #5
    cburn29 is offline New Member
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    Sep 2006
    Thanks for everyone's input. This is my first real cycle, fyi. I have done DECA /TEST cycles in the past but never more than 6 weeks. I could not get enough gear to complete a cycle and when it was in town there was a waiting list. As a side note, I do use Nioxin e/d for shampoo and conditioning. It does have finastride in but not sure how much. I will probably adhere to everyones advice and keep the propecia on hand if needed.

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