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Thread: MMA Stack

  1. #1
    0331FTW is offline Associate Member
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    MMA Stack

    Can anyone recommend a beneficial stack for someone who is in MMA?

  2. #2
    hunterwells is offline Associate Member
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    tickling midgets
    test suspension and, that should get u nice and grumpy

  3. #3
    awesome1's Avatar
    awesome1 is offline Associate Member
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    in the kitchen
    cheque drops , tren and halo lol j/k

    cause everyone is gonna ask, what are your stats op?

  4. #4
    lucidfighter is offline New Member
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    i am looking into the same thing. My research so far has me leaning towards test prop/anavar or masteron . I am looking to gain strength/cut fat while dropping a weight class. i am not an expert at all, but it would definitely depend on your goals. I have been told there are a few that really destroy your cardio like Tren so i would steer clear of those. Hopefully someone with more experience can add more detail.

    It might also be worth mentioning that Sean Sherk was taking Nandrolone and Josh Barnett was using Masteron. Good luck.

  5. #5
    MMAngry is offline Junior Member
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    yeah me too.. I didn't here that Tren hurt cardio.. that's what I'm researching right now. my buddy who fights a lot more than i do hooked me up with Tren ACE and now I'm in way over my head... he said it's good for cutting though.. I woulda been happy with just a winny stack first time (I've never done a cycle before).

    Check out my thread there's some good posts in there from Zane and a few others. I have no idea if Tren will hurt my cardio. I'll have to wait and see. I tend to think not cuz I know a fighter that uses it. LOL who knows... I'll tell ya when I do mine. I'm a little worried about rolling with all these injections.. I suspect it will be uncomfortable.

  6. #6
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 0331FTW View Post
    Can anyone recommend a beneficial stack for someone who is in MMA?
    What type of gains are you looking for specifically?

  7. #7
    Tyler694 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucidfighter View Post
    ... I am looking to gain strength/cut fat while dropping a weight class. ...
    Just a guess, but probably something similar to this^ (+/- the weight class drop..)

  8. #8
    grapejuice11 is offline Junior Member
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    do not use tren if you train mma...makes your cardio go to shit,,do some test, anvar or test winni

  9. #9
    gonzo6183's Avatar
    gonzo6183 is offline Senior Member
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    TREN will distroy your cardio from what I have seen

  10. #10
    no1tou's Avatar
    no1tou is offline Associate Member
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    Problem is you will eventually have to come off cycle. You better hope you don't have any fights around then. Unless your a heavy weight I personally wouldn't mess with aas. Even if you use a cycle to cut, stay in your current weight class, or even drop one, when you come off it will be that much harder to maintain. Also increased chances of injury on cycle too. Don't get me wrong on cycle you will be a beast but you have to come off sometime...unless your trt.

    Just my 2 cents

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