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  1. #1
    sammer24 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2010

    cycling whilst not training

    hi i was hoping to start cycling this week which has been put on hold cause the doc has signed me of the gym for 2-3 weeks, but what i want to know is if i was in the middle of a cycle and this situation occured again would i still carry on with the cycle or would i have to stop? and to make it clear I HAVE NOT STARTED A CYCLE YET this is just curiosity so please if you are thinkin of replying to this post only reply to the question i have asked not to start a discussion on wether i am cycling and also you do not need to know my stats for this question it should be a simple answer yes or no with maybe a little explanation , dont mean to be rude but i have read posts where people are just researching and asking questions then you get the few which like to start a discussion on wether you should be cycling at the age of????? and also you do not need to know my stats for this question it should be a simple answer yes or no with maybe a little explanation cheers

  2. #2
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    Why did the Dr sign you off from gym? Do you mean gym class at school? Or do you mean working out at a privately owned gym?

  3. #3
    CanYouDigIt is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    if your writing all that lame information, it means your hiding something dirr...

    and the answer is *your too young to cycle*

  4. #4
    AlphaGenetics's Avatar
    AlphaGenetics is offline Senior Member
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    Staring into glory!!

  5. #5
    sammer24 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2010
    sorry canyoudigit but my mate posts on here all the time and he just gets flamed with loads of crap that has nothing to do with the question jus like this which wastes my time and for your info i am 27 and i have got nothing to hide like i have said i am researching for the future and cgb thanks for your reply i have a external pile on my ass lol and they have told me not to lift anything heavy or do any straining for 2-3 weeks which has annoyed me so it just made me think if i actually started the cycle(which it was planned for last week but had some worries to wether the deca was legit) what would happen cheers

  6. #6
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    Jul 2005
    Unplanned events happen all the time to people when on cycle. Usually, if it's a short duration in the midst of a long cycle, you just keep running the cycle and carry on as soon as you can. If it's something that will really hinder the progress, or cause you to stop training altogether for 2-3 weeks, you probably would be best to stop the cycle and PCT. Really depends on the situation.

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