I'd like to know from all of you experienced users out there, why is it considered essential to use test with tren ? I do understand that it gives you tren dick and i completely agree and would never ignore than nor would i want it to happen because i value my sex life just as much as the next guy. BUT, if having sexual dysfunction is the main reason why users use test with tren, couldnt masteron or another DHT compound be substituted for test? DHT is the prime molecule in stimulating sex drive correct? other than test? hence why users are super horny on masteron/test/ or other androgenic compounds. I mean look, your HTPA is being shut down with tren hard no matter what, and probably more so with a test than is converting to a decent amount to estrogen anyways, furthering HTPA shutdown. Negative feedback in inevitable especially with tren and I don't see how adding test, which can also shut you dont since its exogenous, would help at all with the harsh shutdown of tren BESIDES the libido issue. SO, if a hard shutdown is inevitable anyways, why not just use a DHT compound like masteron at a higer dose than tren to keep sex drive up and avoid the horrible "tren dick"? Not to mention Masteron doesnt hit the HTPA as hard as test so it might actually be less suppressive than the test/tren combo.

Just a thought though.