I train as much as i possibly can i weigh between 170 -178 consistant.
I have a physically demanding job as a heavy duty mechanic. I eat healthy because i have to.(celiac) if i dont my body hates me. i get sick through my digestive system. About 1 year ago i ran a sust cycle of about 500mg/week and my celiac seemed to have vanihed from my system. I know that is not possible but ever since i stopped and did all my pct and let my body sit on an off cycle i have had costant trouble with my celiacs... My question is... I wanna run another cycle because i had exceptional gains and i felt amazing training while i was on gear. But not sure how much to run for a second time and what to stack with it. I know that the gear had a anti inflammatory effect on my system which seemed to keep the bowel problems down... Now i have already talked with my doctor about this and she figured that , yes it did act as an anti inflammatory but did not want to give me any advice on what to take either way. I don't blame her, you know being a profesional and all... So i would really appreciate any help or advice that anyone would be able to give me on the subject. I hope i have made my self clear about my problem, but if not feel free to ask me anything and i wil give you details to help make things clear.