22 yo
bench press 430
squat 600
power clean 375
all natural until now !!!!!!
First cycle help

Hey fellas I am a Newb to this site I am looking to lean up a little bit before the summer time. I am currently at 12% body fat I would like to get into the6-7%range. I am a football player we lift 6 times a week and condition 4 days a week. We have a team nutrtionist and I am getting my diet tuned in with her. I have done some research and have come up with this cycle as a good starting point any feedback would be helpful. I actually have this gear already so just waiting till the first of may to start up. these choices I made are due to the realitively short time these drugs stay in the system. DRUG TESTING...I also dont want to be too noticable on the gains.

week 1-10 100mg eod of Test P
week 6-12 50 mg ed of ANAVAR

I have arimidex on hand for during my cycle in case of a gyno flare up because I dont want gyno.

I have Nolvadex for PCT i was thinking 4 weeks 60/60/40/40 please help with pct I want a solid plan with the gear I have.

for pct I am confused..... because I read that after my last test p shot I have to wait 3 days before starting pct. since i am still going to be running anavar i have to wait till I finish to start pct. how should i go about this?

Thank you for your time... help a brotha out!!!!!!