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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Dirty-bulked twice already, now want to clean bulk

    I started out as a Thai boxer, and I was lean as fvck, I think I might have been the leanest guy in my entire Thai boxing gym. I had a little bit of muscle but I didn't look "big" at all.

    So then I took a break from Thai boxing and started weightlifting... and eventually ended up doing two cycles of steroids .

    My first cycle was Sustanon on its own.
    My second cycle was Sustanon, Deca & Dbol .

    Since having done these two cycles, I have way more muscle than before.

    Up until now, I have just wanted to get as big as possible as quickly as possible, but now I've changed my objective.

    I want to get back to how I looked when I did Thai boxing, I want to be ripped again. I did my first day of Thai boxing training in two years yesterday and it felt great, I'm dying to get back into it.

    I'll be starting my 3rd steroid cycle in a few months' time. I want to Clean Bulk. That is to say, I'll pay the price of putting on a little bit less muscle if it means I can get ripped.

    What would be an introductory cycle for Cutting? I've read up about steroids such as Winstrol but I hear it dries out the joints, which would be bad for me doing Thai boxing.

    I've read about Trenbolone and it seems to be the most amazing thing since sliced bread... it has amazing muscle-building potential while burning fat at the same time.

    And of course I've heard about stuff like Clenbuterol for burning fat.

    What would be a good "Introductory Cutting Cycle"?

    Any opinions are appreciated. I have definitely decided that I want to prioritize being ripped over being big. Of course, in the end, I want to be big and ripped, but for now I'll be satisfied with being ripped and a little bit big.

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    There really aren't any "cutting" steroids .

    Any AAS will help in cutting (yes, even say, deca ) so that you can stay anabolic while in a caloric deficiency and/or doing cardio.

  3. #3
    lostboy74 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2010
    erect- while tren will assist you in loosing fat, it will also destroy your endurance and cardio. tren has so many positive atributes but for every positive one there is an equal negative in my opinion. i am currently on tren and have been trying to cut some fat....i have lost 20lbs on tren and have been able to get my leanest using tren. however...i have been ingesting well below my maintainance lvl of cal intake....research tren before you jump right in my friend...i wish i would have...

  4. #4
    j4ever41's Avatar
    j4ever41 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    There really aren't any "cutting" steroids .

    Any AAS will help in cutting (yes, even say, deca) so that you can stay anabolic while in a caloric deficiency and/or doing cardio.
    ^^^^ that

  5. #5
    Tyler694 is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    There really aren't any "cutting" steroids .

    Any AAS will help in cutting (yes, even say, deca) so that you can stay anabolic while in a caloric deficiency and/or doing cardio.

    Diet is what "cuts" you or "bulks" you..

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Poopooing on your parade
    Get in the diet forum, there will be a very simple process of posting your stats, finding your tdee and posting the diet you'd like to start with, and the guys will help you tweak it to suit your needs. Sounds like you are happy with your size, you just want to cut some BF...DIET+CARDIO will be your best friends here...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Ah crap I was hoping for a miracle drug... something that would just make the fat fall off me while I'm bulking up with Test, Deca , Dbol .

    What about Clenbuterol ?

  8. #8
    Tyler694 is offline Associate Member
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    Clen still relies on diet..

    DNP is the miracle drug though.. Google it. Dangerous sh1t though..

  9. #9
    idrockasupra's Avatar
    idrockasupra is offline Junior Member
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    i've heard great things about tren and its nutrition partitioning benefits, you can eat high carbs and still get ripped and it's high androgen receptor affinity makes it ideal for fat burning...can't wait to try it it might not suit you so well since it destroys your endurance/cardio

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