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Thread: Pinning Delts

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    JBarron's Avatar
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    Pinning Delts

    Ok, I'm tired of not being able to sit down and work my legs from pinning my glutes. I'm running 150ml/mg prop EOD. I pin R Quad, L Quad, R Glute, L Glute.

    My quads have adjusted fine to the pain, but the glutes hurt very bad each injection. So I'm going to try pinning my Right Delt tomorrow.

    Does anyone have any advice, pointers, hints, on pinning delts. I would appreciate any feedback.

  2. #2
    JBarron's Avatar
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    bump ya'll

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    edmen2's Avatar
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    i used to lean against the wall. basically lean my right elbow against the wall in order to push my arm to the left delt and just stick! delts are pretty painless!

  4. #4
    EternalStud is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by edmen2 View Post
    i used to lean against the wall. basically lean my right elbow against the wall in order to push my arm to the left delt and just stick! delts are pretty painless!
    I think he means more of WHERE to pin the delts. I too am wondering that, since the shoulder is a big area to place a needle (front, mid, rear delts). Though im pretty sure its mid

  5. #5
    edmen2's Avatar
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    actually u can use all 3. front mid rear if u ever graduate to the 20 wk prop cycles u will learn to use them all!

  6. #6
    ty357's Avatar
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    Front delts always been good to me. No pain at all. I like because you have a good view

  7. #7
    JBarron's Avatar
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    I will check out front delts, you guys recommend using a 1 inch pin right?

  8. #8
    edmen2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBarron View Post
    I will check out front delts, you guys recommend using a 1 inch pin right?
    yes sir, 1' is perfect!

  9. #9
    tronics is offline Associate Member
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    1" yep...middle delt is by far the easiest....and painless. my favorite spot to pin...

    i sit down and let my arm hang in between my legs but resting on a leg and use my other arm to pin, kinda like a concentration curl in a way...real easy pin...

  10. #10
    JBarron's Avatar
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    I just pinned my delt, I think everything went alright untill the end!

    I was so nervous about pinning my delt and hitting the right spot and how I was going to hold the syringe, I forgot to push a little airbubble out the syringe before injecting.

    I got to the end of the injection and heard the little air bubble squeak in! I'm kind of nervous I don't know if this is a serious problem or not! ANy feedback would be great.

  11. #11
    bodybreak01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBarron View Post
    Ok, I'm tired of not being able to sit down and work my legs from pinning my glutes. I'm running 150ml/mg prop EOD. I pin R Quad, L Quad, R Glute, L Glute.

    My quads have adjusted fine to the pain, but the glutes hurt very bad each injection. So I'm going to try pinning my Right Delt tomorrow.

    Does anyone have any advice, pointers, hints, on pinning delts. I would appreciate any feedback.

    Yikes, I guess injecting 37.5 liters in your glutes might explain the soreness

  12. #12
    big_steve's Avatar
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    All I pin is delts, only way to go in m/o.

    What I do is i sit on the toilet, with my arm on the counter, totally relaxed, 23g 1" pin and slowley insert into front delt, no pain ever!
    the key is elevate your arm so elbow is paralell, and relax the muscle. Inject slowly

    good luck

  13. #13
    tronics is offline Associate Member
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    air bubbles go in all the time....youll be fine.

  14. #14
    JasonT's Avatar
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    Taking off your shirt the next day will be fun

  15. #15
    JBarron's Avatar
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    Yeah so far it hasn't been to bad at all. It's a wee bit sore, but nothing like how bad my ass and quads were.

    I'm excited, no more pinning glutes, now I will be able to do cardio, and sit down without looking like I have bad hemmorhoids.

  16. #16
    Spartans09's Avatar
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    Have you thought about cutting your gear with sterile oil? I did this with my prop and it is making a big difference. Also, massage the injection spot for a good 60 seconds to spread the hormone around inside the muscle.

  17. #17
    JBarron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spartans09 View Post
    Have you thought about cutting your gear with sterile oil? I did this with my prop and it is making a big difference. Also, massage the injection spot for a good 60 seconds to spread the hormone around inside the muscle.
    Haven't considered cutting the gear, but I do take a hott bath after injections and massage the injections spot.... light up some candles, put on some r&b lol

  18. #18
    Spartans09's Avatar
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    Also, I was pinning EOD @ 100 mg but changed to 50-60 ED and have virtually no soreness now.

  19. #19
    Arian's Avatar
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    So just doing Test E twice a week, would it be okay to just pin delts? After hearing all the people talk about leg pain and how easy delts are, I'm leaning toward delts when the time comes.

  20. #20
    JBarron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arian View Post
    So just doing Test E twice a week, would it be okay to just pin delts? After hearing all the people talk about leg pain and how easy delts are, I'm leaning toward delts when the time comes.
    Well you have to take into consideration that my pain has been fairly severe in my legs and ass because.

    1. It is my first cycle (virgin muscle not used to gear)
    2. I'm running testosterone propionate (shorter ester, crystalizes quicker, causing more pain.) Someone correct me if I'm wrong there.
    3. Since propionate is a short ester, I have to inject it every other day. Alot of pinning.
    4. I'm injecting a fairly concentrated dose each injection 150mg/ml of prop to virgin muscle, so yeah I was expecting to hurt.

    With you running Test E and only having to pin twice a week, you won't experience near as much pain. So you should be ok pinning quads, glutes, and you can do delts too. You want to rotate injection sites so you don't build up scar tissue in one spot.

    Hope this cleared stuff up a bit.
    Last edited by JBarron; 05-06-2010 at 09:52 PM.

  21. #21
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    Yeah, that helped. I have heard a lot more people complaining about prop than enth, but I do still hear a lot of guys talking about quad pain. And my muscles will be virgin too. Just know how it feels when I'm limping around for a couple days from a hard leg day and I don't want to have that all the time with pinning quads.

  22. #22
    AlphaGenetics's Avatar
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    Delts + Prop = Death I pinned my delt one time and that was all it took to know I would never do it again. I hit quads and glutes, make sure you inject very slowly, thats the key.

  23. #23
    JBarron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arian View Post
    Yeah, that helped. I have heard a lot more people complaining about prop than enth, but I do still hear a lot of guys talking about quad pain. And my muscles will be virgin too. Just know how it feels when I'm limping around for a couple days from a hard leg day and I don't want to have that all the time with pinning quads.
    Well yeah being virgin muscle you will experience some soreness. But techniques like hot compresses, and massaging the area after injections will help. And I have had some nasty soreness in my quads, but nothing I couldn't handle. Finding time to work my legs during the week has been complicated due to the soreness.

    But you will be running a long ester test, and the soreness will not be as bad trust me, your muscles will get used to it. And you only have to inject two times out of the whole week! Think about trying to inject a test thats already known to be painful Ever Other Day! You'll legs will be fine bro I promise

    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaGenetics View Post
    Delts + Prop = Death I pinned my delt one time and that was all it took to know I would never do it again. I hit quads and glutes, make sure you inject very slowly, thats the key.
    Everyones different I guess, I pinned my delt yesterday and so far so good, not nearly as painful as my glutes or quads. I think I'm actually going to kick glute injections. They just feel unsafe, it's an awkward angle, the pin is movin around in my arse from switching hands (which is tearin up muscle fiber causin more soreness) If I had someone else doin it for me then I would do them.
    Last edited by JBarron; 05-06-2010 at 10:27 PM.

  24. #24
    BROKEN is offline Associate Member
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    If I'm running some painful shit, I get 1 inch slin needles and shoot every single muscle with half cc. You obviously have to be real lean to do this! bi,tri lat delt front back quads l/r side...good luck if you do calves

    it has worked for me just fine!

  25. #25
    JBarron's Avatar
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    hey bro's just got done pinning left delt, everything went great, when I pulled out a decent stream of blood came pouring out. Ran down my arm fairly quick until I got an alcohol swab open.

    I have some acne around that area where I pinned, just wanted to know if I most likely knicked a vein on the way out? or something like that? Nothing to be to worried about right?

  26. #26
    Spartans09's Avatar
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    Went thru a vein. Did you aspirate ? Did you hold it in The sAme spot while injecting, no shaking? If any gets in a vein you'll feel like coughing usually.

  27. #27
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    Yes aspirated for sure, and no shaking or moving I made sure I held it in one spot nice and steady. No coughing yet or anything.

    Got done working out today and noticed my right delt (one I pinned a day ago) is turning a bit red kind of around where I pinned it I will draw a circle around it with a marker make sure it doesn't get any bigger.

  28. #28
    EternalStud is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spartans09 View Post
    Went thru a vein. Did you aspirate? Did you hold it in The sAme spot while injecting, no shaking? If any gets in a vein you'll feel like coughing usually.
    x2. I cant tell you how important it is to aspirate . Because if you don't, you never know if you are hitting a vein and injecting in to a vein is not only bad for you but your wasting gear bro since it'll be excreted by your body instead of sucked up by the muscles. I learned that the hard way for 3 shots. Every time i'd pull out after the shot, i'd have blood trailing it along with a bit of the oil. And I wondered why I felt the same until I pinned right and then the test worked.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by EternalStud View Post
    x2. I cant tell you how important it is to aspirate. Because if you don't, you never know if you are hitting a vein and injecting in to a vein is not only bad for you but your wasting gear bro since it'll be excreted by your body instead of sucked up by the muscles. I learned that the hard way for 3 shots. Every time i'd pull out after the shot, i'd have blood trailing it along with a bit of the oil. And I wondered why I felt the same until I pinned right and then the test worked.
    I understand, I did aspirate though, I usually pull back on the plunger get air, then I'll pull back a little bit more just to be sure. Before I ever started cycling I read that aspirating was very very important so I make sure to do it.

    I did get the trail of blood though even with aspirating. You guys think I just knicked a vein then?

    btw the my earlier post about the redness, no biggy it must of been from tanning cuz now its gone.

  30. #30
    regreb01 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arian View Post
    Yeah, that helped. I have heard a lot more people complaining about prop than enth, but I do still hear a lot of guys talking about quad pain. And my muscles will be virgin too. Just know how it feels when I'm limping around for a couple days from a hard leg day and I don't want to have that all the time with pinning quads.
    I am running test-e 2x a week and just finished rotating thru my delts for the first time. I highly recommend it! by far my favorite pinning spot now out of the glutes quads and delts. didn't even feel it.

  31. #31
    EternalStud is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBarron View Post
    I understand, I did aspirate though, I usually pull back on the plunger get air, then I'll pull back a little bit more just to be sure. Before I ever started cycling I read that aspirating was very very important so I make sure to do it.

    I did get the trail of blood though even with aspirating. You guys think I just knicked a vein then?

    btw the my earlier post about the redness, no biggy it must of been from tanning cuz now its gone.
    Possibly nicked it. Then again, I always saw a trail a blood (tho lessened once aspirating), so maybe it's how fast you do the injection? I know docs inject IM very very quickly and it still bleeds hence why they give you a cotton ball taped to the site. I think blood is unavoidable or just not that big of a deal if its happening even when professionals do injections. Hmmm i'll have to ask my doc in depth about this and ill post a topic on it.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by EternalStud View Post
    Possibly nicked it. Then again, I always saw a trail a blood (tho lessened once aspirating), so maybe it's how fast you do the injection? I know docs inject IM very very quickly and it still bleeds hence why they give you a cotton ball taped to the site. I think blood is unavoidable or just not that big of a deal if its happening even when professionals do injections. Hmmm i'll have to ask my doc in depth about this and ill post a topic on it.
    That would be cool. Anyways, nothing is wrong with where I injected, it's really not even that sore.

    I'm so glad I decided to pin delts!

  33. #33
    LiftedDuramax2007 is offline Associate Member
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    I did quad my first time and ever since have been doing delts. Test E 2x a week

    Have yet to try glutes

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by LiftedDuramax2007;517***7
    I did quad my first time and ever since have been doing delts. Test E 2x a week

    Have yet to try glutes
    From my experience they aren't a good place to shoot by yourself.

  35. #35
    sheckeyshabazz is offline Junior Member
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    why is the quad not a good place to do yourself? it seems like it would be relatively easy. Just wondering because i will be starting my first cycle at some point in the near future.

  36. #36
    frank4242 is offline Junior Member
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    maybe somethings wrong with me... i pinned my delt 2 days ago for the first time.... didnt hurt at all that day felt amazing... the next day and even today... IT IS SORE AS SHIT!!!!!! i can barley touch it its so sore. is that normal? no redness or real knots or bumps just sore as ****!

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheckeyshabazz View Post
    why is the quad not a good place to do yourself? it seems like it would be relatively easy. Just wondering because i will be starting my first cycle at some point in the near future.
    Well i'm not a huge guy 6'0 187lbs 9%bf and to properly pin my ass by myself I would have to bring a mirror over the side of my bed, lay on my bed, reach around with my right arm, pin my ass with right hand, then kind of hold the syringe there reach over with my left hand and aspirate . The pin would be wiggling alot too (which tears muscle fiber, not to much tho) then I would finally inject slowly.

    It was just a pain to reach around and do all this while not being able to keep the needle steady. Plus I'm running prop and the pain it brings to my ass was terrible. There are alot of nerve endings in the ass so it hurt pretty bad. Delts are a far better choice for me. I also hit a nerve in my ass a week ago and it wasn't fun.

    Now if you had someone to properly inject in your ass then I think that would be much more sufficient.

    Quote Originally Posted by jbh4242 View Post
    maybe somethings wrong with me... i pinned my delt 2 days ago for the first time.... didnt hurt at all that day felt amazing... the next day and even today... IT IS SORE AS SHIT!!!!!! i can barley touch it its so sore. is that normal? no redness or real knots or bumps just sore as ****!
    What are you running? And is this your first cycle? I never said my delts weren't sore, yeah they hurt pretty good in the morning, but compared to the pain of pinning my ass it is alot better. Take a hot shower and some ibuprofen you will be fine.

  38. #38
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    Last edited by JBarron; 05-10-2010 at 10:22 PM.

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