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Thread: too young?

  1. #1
    romeo9774 is offline New Member
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    too young?

    I turn 20 in about a month and I'm planning on juicing. I've posted a few threads for advice on a cycle, and a lot of people say to stack sustanon or test with deca but I think that I'm just going to do 3-400mg of deca for 8-10 weeks then do clomid. I really don't want to go all out my first cycle. Ultimate fighter said he did deca only and gained 20 lbs. I know that it probably depends on the person, and I have pretty good genetics, so I am thinking that it will work for me. Also a few internet sites offer only deca in a cycle as an example of a bulking cycle. But to the point, I've read a lot of threads and I'm wondering if I'm too young. I will probably do it anyway because I'm stubborn as hell, but I just want if it's really that big of a deal or not.

  2. #2
    bigsd67's Avatar
    bigsd67 is offline Anabolic Member
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    well romeo..i know many here will say you are too young and rightfully so. but you say you are gonna do it anyways. one warning...deca alone will shut u down..i dont know how much you value sex, but if you do then i suggest running test at around double the dose of deca to keep the dick functioning. Now if you do take the test then you are going to have to add an anti E such as arimidex . im sure someone here can structure you a good cycle..good luck

  3. #3
    sd11's Avatar
    sd11 is offline Banned
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    Too young? That's the big unknown bro, your messing with your endocrine system... and who knows how bad it will affect you down the road.

  4. #4
    paulastone's Avatar
    paulastone is offline Member
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    ottawa, canadian monkey
    run sustonon250 @500mg/week for 10 weeks
    I was also 20 when I started to juice but did not know better
    If your going to do it then do a test only
    My first cycle was omnadrine250@500mg/week for 10 weeks and I gained about 22lb of lean muscle and maybe 3lb of fat(25total)
    make sure u have clomid & nolva
    good luck

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