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  1. #1
    alopez021 is offline New Member
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    May 2010

    New member: Considering taking Tren

    Hi my name is anthony and I joined this forum because I have been looking into taking steroids for awhile now, after working out daily for about two years. I've been researching and I am coming to my conclusion. Trenbolone is the steroid which attracts me most. I joined the forum because I need a few questions answered.
    -How long is a correct Tren cycle?
    -What other supplements should be taken during/after cycle in order to prevent side effects?
    I have also been looking into taking Winstrol . My goal is to build more and cut. What are all your thoughts on this? Thanks alot.

  2. #2
    terraj's Avatar
    terraj is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Is this a joke?

    No one starts with tren , do some more reading Bro.

  3. #3
    ironflames is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2010
    dude if its your first, start with test e, or cyp for about 12 weeks and run a PROPER PCT. then after you see how your body reacts to the test then after adequate time do a tren /test cycle. a lot of guys say not to do tren as a second or a third cycle but i did it as my second and using tren is like going over to the dark side of the makes you an animal. it is def wise to start of with a test cycle to see how you react tho..especially because tren is a 500:500 ratio (5 times as strong as test). if you go into the steroid forums sections you can learn a little more about the different types of test and tren...def research before you start and make sure you have a good solid plan. as far as supps go...take a multi without doubt, drink mad water, and eat like a horse and eat frequently(all good stuff tho). supps like creatine n explode etc...use that while your in pct so the downside of hpta shutdown wont be AS bad. my first cycle was a test/deca and i yielded 28lb s and kept 23 of them during my 4 month pct until my next cycle. (pct in my opinion is from the time your off cycle untilyou start the next one even tho you may have stopped using the clomid or tamox) as long as you train hard, eat big to get big, and reserach all the time you will gain great results and manage to keep most of them afterwards.

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    just for kicks, lets get some info about the OP before giving cycle advise, you know, on the off chance anthony is a 16 year old girl or something...
    body fat%?
    years training?
    planned pct?

  5. #5
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Hi Im looking to buy my first car. I just got my license yesterday. The Ferarri attacts me the most and is what Im thinking about getting.

    How fast can it go? How fast can I corner? How long will I live behind the wheel of one of the fastest production cars being I just got my license and have NO experience driving so ti speak?

    get the point?

    Tren is NOT where you start. LOL

    Depending on your age and stats Test is where you start but ONLY after you have plenty of experience and are ready to graduate to the next level. Graduate means you have EARNED the right, not you just want to.

  6. #6
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Not sure how you guys (speaking to vets) deal with this stuff on a day to day basis. I do most of my camping over in the HRT forum, but pop in time to time to see what's happening in the Q&A. Unfortunately, it seems to be a lot of these threads.

    BTW, my guess it that Mr. Lopez is 21 if the nameplate adds up.

  7. #7
    BiggerByTheDay is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2008
    Tren should be used for the more advanced cyclists, not a beginner. As Big posted, what are your stats? These people, especially the vets like Big, are extremely knowledgeable and are all here for a common purpose; your safety. Take their advice, learn and listen. Good luck.

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